The sacred solar(Gregorian) and lunar(Jewish and Tibetan) calendars are paths for humans to connect consciously with the elemental chiefs(dragons/bodhisattvas in eastern lore) that cause the Earth to turn in three specific ways as well as manifest the world we experience.
The kamea/grid of nine digits(see images) holds the key as to how the synchronous merging of prayerforms over thousands of years by the global wisdom lineages has unfolded like a flower. This new solar year of 2016 is pregnant with great auspicious potential in our endeavor to manifest a global Peace. People versed in the Hebrew wisdom lineage will recognize the significance of the numbers 2-1-6 appearing in that order in the year 2-0-1-6 for the first time since the year 216 ce(times of Jewish sage Judah HaNasi, compiler of the Mishnah). This number is the total number of letters in the sacred 72 part(3 each) expanded name of the Source of love - 72X3=216. These "72" are the cover image of this blog of course. The sum of the digits 2-1-6 also equals nine. The magic of the "nine" associated with the elemental chiefs called the Chayoth HaKodesh/holy creatures in Hebrew, is being revealed in a new way. As in previous TurtleTalksTorah the intrinsic quality of the kamea of Nine is "15"- the value of each row,column, and diagonals. "15" is also a Hebrew name of deity(Yah) since letters are also numbers in Hebrew. The key here is that the square of "15" = 15X15=225 and with the year 2016 we are entering the 225th nine year period of the solar calendar count. (224X9=2016)The square of an essential value like the "15" may be associated with it's unfolding in a manifest form. The intrinsic quality of the kamea/grid of nine of the planetary Hechal/palace of Shabbatai/Saturn is both justice and Peace in the ancient Hebrew source texts. It is not by chance that we will be electing the "45"th CEO of the United States this year and "45" is also the total value of the Kamea/grid of Nine. For people versed in the aboriginal American wisdom tradition the Cheyenne elder "Sweet Medicine" was initiated by the hayoth HaKodesh in his vision cave experience at Bear Butte many centuries ago. He sat in the center (45th) of a circle of FortyFour great winged lightning chiefs and was given the brother arrows bundle of the Northern Cheyenne. He was the male counterpart to White Buffalo Calf Woman who appeared to the Lakota. He carried a soul root of the American continent and her peoples and the US government is built upon the Native cosmology with the supreme court of nine justices(nine underworld judges of the Mayan), the Eagle chief in Washington and the congress as the Lords of Light and Dark as they are called in Meso-America. To this very day the Northern Cheyenne Nation has a council of FortyFour peace chiefs as a mirror of the initiation of Sweet Medicine. Our present fortyfourth president has the Hebrew name for "lightningbolt" and so our transition to the Fortyfifth president holds auspicious potential for a great stride in revealing a real Peace. The pyramidal/triangular form of the Kameas(see image), the number grids, show the nine steps that culminate in the "45" at the bottom level connected to the physical. The value of "45" is also the value of the Hebrew word 'Adam" as well as one of the values of the four extended ways of writting the tetragrammaton name(YHVH) and so we are in a full unfolding of the original soul root of all humanity. We are all family!
StoneFlower Kabbalah
A site based on the healing of the ancient wisdom of the Geocentric worldview. The understanding of sacred texts and wisdom is based on a relationship to the Source. This Central Source is the Fount from which the three distinct movements of the Earth globe flow. These three turns-rotation,revolution and precession are a great secret/sod and key to the profound teachings of the mekubalim/kabbalists. These movements provide us with the experience of shanah/time, olam/matter and nephesh/soul(being). The Earth turn called precession is the slow wobble that causes the polar skies to change slowly over a 26,000 year cycle. The chart of "72" names relates to this great cycle and is a key to unlocking where we are in "time".
A site based on the healing of the ancient wisdom of the Geocentric worldview. The understanding of sacred texts and wisdom is based on a relationship to the Source. This Central Source is the Fount from which the three distinct movements of the Earth globe flow. These three turns-rotation,revolution and precession are a great secret/sod and key to the profound teachings of the mekubalim/kabbalists. These movements provide us with the experience of shanah/time, olam/matter and nephesh/soul(being). The Earth turn called precession is the slow wobble that causes the polar skies to change slowly over a 26,000 year cycle. The chart of "72" names relates to this great cycle and is a key to unlocking where we are in "time".
Monday, December 28, 2015
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Thanksgivikah II and putting ENOCH back into Chanukah
This thanksgiving will be held on the night of the full moon of Kislev, the miraculous moon/month that Chanukah is celebrated. This celebration is about the dedication of the Jewish Temple called the Beith Hamikdash within our own homes and lands all over the holy globe of the Earth. The sacred oil called shemen in Hebrew is first mentioned in the Torah in the section where Jacob uses a special rock as his pillow in the wilderness and has his famous dream of the sulam, the ladder that connects heaven to Earth. This rock holds the secret of the true Eben Shetiyah, the foundation stone of the temple that connects heaven and Earth. Then he awakens and anoints the rock with the shemen/oil, this being a hint to the oil of the Temple and the holiday of Chanukah celebrated during the dark of the month of Kislev. This story is always read during the month of Kislev. The full moon is the same blessed light that we bring into our homes a few days later during the darkest days of the month and the shanah/year cycle.
The root of the word for Chanukah is Chanoch which is also the name of the first human shaman to understand the mystery medicine walk of the evolved human to a point that it is said that he walked fully with HaShem, the Source of Love. Tradition tells us that he became a very special angel called Metatron and all this happened before the Jewish religion historically began. By studying the planetary mysteries and other wisdom lineages we may understand that he visited other peoples and brought them the "knowledge of the East" as it I called in the Sepher HaZohar. He came to these peoples as the being called Vishnu in ancient India.(see the image of the Vishnu yantra with the Mogen David in the center) All the wisdom lineages are part of the holy tree of life that permeates the great Temple building tradition whose goal is to manifest the Peace that is in the heavens right here on Earth. May the blessings of the light of the sacred Shemen/oil bring the great Peace(with a capital P since this is a sacred name of deity in the Hebrew) to all of us here living in the Earth.
The root of the word for Chanukah is Chanoch which is also the name of the first human shaman to understand the mystery medicine walk of the evolved human to a point that it is said that he walked fully with HaShem, the Source of Love. Tradition tells us that he became a very special angel called Metatron and all this happened before the Jewish religion historically began. By studying the planetary mysteries and other wisdom lineages we may understand that he visited other peoples and brought them the "knowledge of the East" as it I called in the Sepher HaZohar. He came to these peoples as the being called Vishnu in ancient India.(see the image of the Vishnu yantra with the Mogen David in the center) All the wisdom lineages are part of the holy tree of life that permeates the great Temple building tradition whose goal is to manifest the Peace that is in the heavens right here on Earth. May the blessings of the light of the sacred Shemen/oil bring the great Peace(with a capital P since this is a sacred name of deity in the Hebrew) to all of us here living in the Earth.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Jewish and Aztec/Mayan calendars, the Lunar Eclipse of Sukkot and the USA
Our times hold the auspicious beauty and bounty of a new synchronous cycle between the ancient Meso-American calendars and the priestly calendars of the Hebrew and Tibetan lineages. The priestly calendars are rooted in the Moon cycles and the planetary cycle of Shabbatai/saturn called Tezcatlipoca in the Aztec. The grid of the nine numbers called kamea(magic square)as seen in the Tibetan calendar image(in the center)is the key. It also unites the place of the USA and the american government in the great change we are experiencing. The nine little boxes are equal to the nine dark lords of the Aztec underworld and the nine judges on theUSA supreme court. The total value of the grid is=45 and we are now picking the 45th president. This square is related to the Hechal/palace of the planet Saturn in the ancient Hebrew worldview and this planet is all about JUSTICE. The Jewish and Aztec calendars are precisely 28 years apart in their sacred count of time since the "beginning". In August, 1987 at the harmonic convergence the Aztec calendar marked 5720 years and the Hebrew calendar was about to enter it's 5748th year. The 28 years difference is approximately the cycle of the planet Saturn, called Shabbatai in Hebrew, about the sun. We are now 28 years- about a full cycle of saturn since the harmonic convergence and the end of the Aztec count in 1987. Synchronicity has gone exponential. The moon hechal(palace)now holds what the Hebrews call the micono, the seat of the Source that in ancient days was reserved for the more "distant" hechal(palace) of Shabbatai/Saturn. The Moon and Saturn have an intrinsic day to year synchronous cycle/relationship- the Moon has a 28-30 day cycle and a 28-30 year cycle for Saturn.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
The moon of the maaznyim/scales and the Shofar
TurtleTalkTorah for the moon of the scales, the maaznyim. Great secrets may be discovered when a person studies and truly listens to the teachings of wisdom traditions other their own path. Keys may be revealed that unlock mysteries. This is how it has been set up as a test. Aboriginal peoples have clan systems that involve the animals, plants, celestial bodies and elements. Rivalries in the socio-political arena may be mirrored in ancient animal rivalries as the photo here o...f the wasp laying her eggs in the still living but paralyzed abdomen of the spider. Spiders are great at weaving webs that catch mostly winged insects such as the wasps. Ancient Jewish midrashim/legends explain these rivalries culminating in the epic battle between two great "beasts", Leviathan/water and Behemoth/earth-fire. When their struggle ends Peace will manifest on Earth according to the legends. I have previously offered the possibility that the out of balance shadow animal of water is mirrored in the hatred and intolerance of religious fundamentalism. While the out of balance shadow animal of earth is mirrored in corporate greed. Ancient astrology because it is connected to the totem animal clans and the "elements" of the ancients holds some very good frames of reference in understanding how all this is playing out. We may particularly look at the three essential qualities in astrology called "cardinal", "fixed", and "mutable". For mekubalim/kabbalists these are the "three" causal level of the elements called the three "mothers" and relate to three special letters in the Hebrew. It is these three elemental qualities that the great animal clan rivalry concerns at a root level. "Cardinality" is the fire of beginnings; "Fixicity" is the water that holds and gestates and "Mutability" is the air that changes it all up. In my own understanding the wisdom lineages and their religious branches have been about the joining at the essential levels - the soul realm- of these ancient qualities/totems within the human world. Kind of like a marriage of royals that joins kingdoms and establishes Peace. The moon of the mazaniyim/scales-libra is about walking this balance. The Ram of the ram's horn(aries) holds the quality of cardinality=beginnings from the ocean. The turtle holds the quality of fixicity of the sacred soul lake. Lake and Ocean; wolf and lamb.
Thursday, September 03, 2015
The Lady of the Frankincense, Turquoise and the Seven-Sabbath
TurtleTalktorah and the month/moon of Elul. The moon of the
Betulah, the Star Woman(Virgo) who is called today the Sabbath Queen. She was known in
Egypt as the Lady of the frankincense as well as the Turquoise woman. The Earth
is an embodiment of all that is sky/heavens=shamayim. The Earth is a holy
temple and we have here pictured three keys on how the sky aligns with the Adamah/Earthhuman
to make goodness manifest in the human world. The blue zodiac/sky wheel is from
the ceiling of the ancient Egyptian temple of Hathor at Denderah. This is a
very special wheel that shows how the temple building is particularly aligned
with certain stars. It also holds the secret of the slow processional wobble of
the Earth that is the clock marking the rise and fall of civilizations and
great epochs of history. The Hebrew Torah tells us that Moses was learned in
all the wisdom of Egypt and therefore he carried the knowledge that the Earth
is the sacred Temple of Initiation. This is what the Temple of the Sky Woman at
Denderah tell us in precise ways. The chart pictured of the seventy-two Hebrew
names is also derived from the Torah of Moses, from three verses where the
famous dividing of the sea takes place. It is also an astronomical clock, as
well as other things, the 72 segments are equaled to the five degree sections
of the sky/Earth wheel called quinaries by astrologers. This contains
information that aligns exactly with the sky chart at Denderah. For the 22nd of
the 72 names(yod-yod-yod) aligns with the five degrees of sky/zodiac=15 to 20
degrees of the Crab that the temple is aligned with at Denderah during the
years when the actual Teomim/twin stars of Gemini(beta and alpha gemini) ware
also in that quinary. These stars called Teomim/twins are mentioned in the most
sacred of texts of the Hebrew ketuvim/writings, Shir HaShirim, The Song of
Songs. As the earth slowly turns over the 26,000 year precessional cycle the
two stars of the Teomim/twins could be seen moving through the cycle of the
seventy-two five degree segments. The Song of Songs holds ancient hidden
knowledge of this cycle of global initiation. This is the famous song of love.
The Sky Woman, the Betulah at Denderah was the goddess of Love, Women,
childbirth, midwifery, music, ecstasy and all that is good. She was called the mother of the sacred SEVEN - who were the weavers of time. Her presence was
there when the daughters of the pharaoh helped bring Moses out of the river.
She has come to be known in the Jewish tradition as the Sabbath bride that
ushers in the day of Peace.
Here is a poem to her from Normandi Ellis' "Awakening Osiris" a poetic translation of the Papyrus of Ani, an ancient Egyptian writing famous from the time of Moses and the story of the exodus.
"Hymn to Hathor"
"Blue-lidded daughter of dawn, golden lady of the mountains, carrier of her father's wisdom, let an old man rest in your arms. Let him look last on love's face, breathing love's breath. I live in light a million years. The sun rises or sets now-it matters not. Here is ecstasy in death and certainty in life. We are gods in the body of god, truth and love our destinies. Go then and make the world something beautiful, set up a light in the darkness.
"Blue-lidded daughter of dawn, golden lady of the mountains, carrier of her father's wisdom, let an old man rest in your arms. Let him look last on love's face, breathing love's breath. I live in light a million years. The sun rises or sets now-it matters not. Here is ecstasy in death and certainty in life. We are gods in the body of god, truth and love our destinies. Go then and make the world something beautiful, set up a light in the darkness.
That light has been called the Sabbath for thousands of years.
Thursday, July 16, 2015
TurtleTalk for Rosh Chodesh AV-the moon of the LION/aryeh
TurtleTalkTorah for the moon of the month of Av, the moon of the aryeh/lion. yes the turtle may roar this month. this especially since the NINE is big in this Hebrew month-the fast of the month is on the ninth day when Jews mourn for all that has been lost in their history, all the missteps, all of the nightmare. yet we just got pics sent back for the first time EVER of the NINTH planet and the date of this Hebrew year is tav-shin-ayin-heh which spells the word-tesha which is... the word for NINE. Yet this year the ninth of the Hebrew month of Av falls on the holy Sabbath, which is a remez/hint at something very good, so Jews who observe the fast do it on the tenth day. The most famous turtle in the wisdom lineages is that of the ancient Chinese sage Lo Shu(image enclosed) which has the box/kamea of NINE numbers-nine little boxes with the numbers one thru nine so that they express a beautiful pattern of symmetry and magic. as expressed in previous TurtleTalks this grid in the ancient Hebraic worldview corresponds with the sphere of the planet Shabbatai/Saturn and holds the power of JUSTICE among other qualities. The fast of the Ninth of Av is about the rebalance in experience between exile and redemption both inside and out-in the social-political and economic spheres as well as in individual religious freedom issues. Horrifically we saw NINE holy beautiful people martyred here in America, for their freedom to worship the Source of goodness and to just be the beauty that they are. They had welcomed the stranger into their house of worship-about the holiest action taught of in the Jewish wisdom of Torah. This happened as we completed NINE months of this Hebrew year whose number date is also the word for nine. The ashes of the the man who discovered the ninth planet flew by that globe precisely on the day that a nuclear peace deal of great importance was completed. The mission to Pluto took just over NINE years.That man lived in the state which is known as the home, the birthplace of the nuclear weapon.The discovery of the Ninth planet occurred precisely as the goodness of the world was challenged by a global force of hatred(1930) and we entered the age of the nuclear weapon. As stated previously the total value of the box/kamea of Nine is equal to 45(sum of the numbers 1 thru 9) and the United States is beginning the process to pick her 45th CEO. The box of Nine is also a mirror of the Nine seats on the supreme court of the USA(which holds Justice-the quality of Shabbatai) which has helped bring in some great miracles this year. The silent Turtle of Justice may be roaring if we could but listen just as the Ninth planet shows us her Heart of crystalline water in deep space. Live and Love, this Rosh Chodesh of the Moon of the Lion.
Friday, July 10, 2015
Heavenly Shoreshim/ROOTs Being Revealed
A big synchronicity(miracle) is happening as a spaceship will be sending back close crisp photos of the planet Pluto for the first time ever next week. This is the Hebrew month/moon of Tammuz which has the quality of "seeing"-Reyeah according to the Sepher Yetzirah. What is especially great is that the Sepher Yetzira explains the geometrical structure of the planetary world according to the Twenty two Hebrew letters and this includes a primary function for the Three "mother" ...letters - aleph/mem/sheen. I do understand that these three primary letters also correspond to the three distant invisible planets,(pluto-neptune-uranus) also the qualities of cardinal,fixed and mutable and also the three ways that the Earth moves-rotation,revolution and precession. The five naked eye planets and the sun and moon correspond to the seven "double" letters in the Sepher Yetzirah and the twelve remaining letters are the twelve zodiacal signs that are the frame of reference of the sky as an expression of the Earth. Earth is embodiment of sky and the divine.This actual close-up SEEING of the little planet pluto is synchronous with the revealing of the mystery of the three mother letters and the first letter of Hebrew- the ALEPH. The picture of the cube enclosed reveals how the letters, the planets and signs all go to create this cubic/physical olam/world. The cube has twelve edges-the months,tribes and zodiac;six faces and the center point=the seven- five visible planets and the sun and moon; and the THREE axis which correspond to Uranus,neptune and PLUTO. The basics of the Jewish religion are also found in the cube- the three axis are the patriarchs, the six faces are the matriarchs(four wives of Jacob and Sarah and Rebbeca) and the twelve edges are the Tribes. The eight corner points(vertices) is the covenant at eight days.The Center point is the Mystery of HaShem/Source. The sky is an outer projection of all that is the Earth and what she embodies, the circle of divinity-Shechinah. The secrets of the turtle and her colors are opening. So deep mysteries are being revealed close-up now. Good Shabbos of healing to all!
Wednesday, April 01, 2015
Pesach Red Moon
this beautiful ancient Egyptian time capsule of a wisdom painting holds a kind of knowledge for our awakening now. the folks that made this particular work of art did not worship animals in a way that some people think. they held a heart centered lineage tradition. the Passover actually celebrates a hand-off of the baton of sorts of priestly lineages dedicated to the flowering of the Earth. the ram headed dude in the center displays the fact that the essence quality he holds ...had not yet fully evolved within humanity yet - so we have an animal head on a human body. these three personages are a key to knowing who the mysterious three men who visited Abram and Sarai were all about. It also teaches us about the ram that was sacrificed in place of Isaac and his famous two horns. In these three we have here the essences of olam/matter, nephesh/being and shanah/time. astrologers call them the qualities of cardinality/matter-fixicity/soul and mutability/time. they are woven together with the three ways the Earth globe turns- precession/rotation/revolution. the ram head's helical horns/shofarim show us that this image is related to the precessional wobble of the globe that manifests the twin helixes above(heaven) and below(Earth). The lady nepthys is weaver of the Earth rotation, she gives us the dark blessed night and the waters of soul/being(moon) while the lady isis is the year cycle of earth-sun. It has all really been an ancient love story like shir hashirim/song of all songs. two lovers, one who holds the Night/leilah(wolf) and the other who carries the Day/yom(lamb) needed to touch. And so we have this Earth, this creation and this flowering. the image is from the book "Egyptian mysteries" by Lucie Lamy. Hag Sameach
Thursday, January 29, 2015
What is the Foundation Stone? Part II:
Secrets of the Seven Day Week:(and why a Sabbath is so important)
Secrets of the Seven Day Week:(and why a Sabbath is so important) The enclosed diagram gives over the secrets of our seven day week and the Earth centered worldview of ancient peoples. It also explains why the ancient wisdom tradition established our week and the order of the days.
Part I: The mathematics of the circle makes the division by seven parts yield an irrational fraction. The sacred circle of the seven day week has the goal of embodying the (irrational)mystery of the sky/shamayim fully within the Earth. Seven is the only number of the ten whole digits that has no factors out of the lesser numbers and or produces no products out of the greater numbers.
The order of the days of the week is explained by this diagram. Each magic grid and "planet" is in the order of their apparent motion in the sky. The slowest starts in the bottom left corner with Saturn and the smallest 3X3 grid and the day Saturday, and the apparent speed increases and the size of the grids increases as you go clockwise around the circle. In the ancient worldview these are the planetary heavens that encircle the Earth as sheaths like that of onion layers. The heaven of Saturn is the outer(upper)most and the heaven of the Moon is the closest.To discover the secret of the order of the days of the week you need to place your finger at "Saturn" in the lower left and trace along the line of the star up to the "sun" - Sunday and then along the line down to the "moon"-Monday and so on. This is why the days are ordered as they are. to be continued......
Secrets of the Seven Day Week:(and why a Sabbath is so important) The enclosed diagram gives over the secrets of our seven day week and the Earth centered worldview of ancient peoples. It also explains why the ancient wisdom tradition established our week and the order of the days.
Part I: The mathematics of the circle makes the division by seven parts yield an irrational fraction. The sacred circle of the seven day week has the goal of embodying the (irrational)mystery of the sky/shamayim fully within the Earth. Seven is the only number of the ten whole digits that has no factors out of the lesser numbers and or produces no products out of the greater numbers.
The order of the days of the week is explained by this diagram. Each magic grid and "planet" is in the order of their apparent motion in the sky. The slowest starts in the bottom left corner with Saturn and the smallest 3X3 grid and the day Saturday, and the apparent speed increases and the size of the grids increases as you go clockwise around the circle. In the ancient worldview these are the planetary heavens that encircle the Earth as sheaths like that of onion layers. The heaven of Saturn is the outer(upper)most and the heaven of the Moon is the closest.To discover the secret of the order of the days of the week you need to place your finger at "Saturn" in the lower left and trace along the line of the star up to the "sun" - Sunday and then along the line down to the "moon"-Monday and so on. This is why the days are ordered as they are. to be continued......
Sunday, January 18, 2015
What is the Foundation Stone?
What is the foundation stone?
The eben shetiyah is the Hebrew name for the foundation
stone in the Hebrew wisdom tradition. It is the place where the
heavens-shamayim and the Earth-haaretz meets in our physical world. It is also
a key to our new epoch/world and the true shape of the cosmos. In Europe it was known as the "axis mundi" or world navel and in ancient America it has been called the Sipapu by the Pueblo peoples. The simple
language of astrology in it’s ancient Hebraic and Ptolemaic form provides an
opening to understanding what the eben shetiyah is about and why it is
important to us today. A big part of the ancient astrology that is missing so
to speak from modern astrology is the dimension of soul-nephesh and how this
interfaces with time-shanah and space-olam. This has been replaced in a sense
by archetypal “energies” and patterns built from Jungian depth psychology where
the psyche/mind has taken the place of the reality of the ocean of soul. The realm of soul is actually a
whole and primary dimensionality along with space and time whereas in the new modern view it has been replaced by the psyche/mind which is viewed as
only a byproduct of biological animal evolution and a secondary development out of time/space. This displacement of soul
with psyche and the schism of worldview created by a misunderstanding how the
ancient scientists and thinkers understood the geocentric model has made for a
great mix up of the ancient truths about the shape of our awesome creation. A
further mix up has been the personality based modern astrology that uses archetypal
patterns related to the Greco-roman mythology and their gods which in most cases does not incorporate the
true essential qualities of the planetary spheres. We must remember that in the ancient Hebraic worldview the planetary spheres were really understood as spherical onion like layers with the Earth at the center. The physical planets were only localized condensations of these planetary heavens. The Sepher Yetzirah gives us
the true qualities of the planetary spheres and this is a big opening in a truer
understanding of the “map” or bigger topography of the cosmos.
We may repair the worldview schism by using the basic “map”
given to us in the Hebrew primer of the wisdom tradition called the “Sepher
yetzirah” and the basics of Ptolemaic astrology along with what astronomy has
revealed to us through recent historical discoveries. To simplify all the
elements so this post is not too long the book tells us that the number values
THREE/SEVEN/TWELVE are a critical pattern that corresponds to the 22 letters of
the Hebrew alphabet as well as elements in astrology. In traditional astrology
these are the THREE- Triplicities of cardinality, fixicity, and mutability. The
SEVEN- are the five visible planetary spheres and the sun and moon. The TWELVE- are the zodiacal signs which are the
frame of reference of the wheel created by the Earth’s tilt and revolution
about the sun. The secret to how this basic frame of reference reveals where
the foundation stone is and the Source of it all, is in the three recently
discovered non-naked eye planets – Uranus/Neptune/Pluto.
What we may learn from the aboriginal understanding of the
cosmos is that the sky is only a projection of the of what the Earth holds. The
key to this is in the THREE ways that the Earth moves-
rotation/revolution/precession. These THREE connect us to the THREE
triplicities in traditional astrology, the three “mother elements” in the
Hebrew wisdom and the THREE outer planets discovered since the use of the
telescope. The THREE realms of the creation – soul-nephesh, time-shanah, and
space-olam are mentioned in the Sepher Yetzirah. These are directly connected to the three movements of the Earth globe. These three ways that the Earth turns have
been a great secret in the mystery because
the processional wheel is so slow that it took multi-generational records of astronomical observations
to understand it.
This brings us back to what is the Foundation Stone of the
physical creation? – where the heavens and the Earth meets. This sacred pace
called “Makom” by the mekubalim/kabbalists was at one time in the land of
ancient Judea for the Hebrew people at the site of the first holy temple and it has occurred at other places for
different peoples around the Earth. It is not only in one place and geography
is not the only determining factor. We will continue this for the next post. To
really get the gist of this a person must understand the above ideas well.
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Where is the Eben Shetiyah?
unusual to hear a Pueblo elder speak for a couple of hours
on the "raw people"- spirit beings and the indigenous wisdom
teachings. especially good for his references to the "sipapu or
shipapu". this is the birth canal that connects worlds or realms. In the
Hebrew this holds the mystery of the Eben shetiyah - the foundation stone that
connects the shamayim(heavens) to the sacred Eretz(Earth), the mystery of the
holy beith hamikdash-temple. the fighting over "sacred places" will
cease when the truth of what this is about is understood and the entire Earth
is respected as a sacred temple. soon please
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