StoneFlower Kabbalah A site based on the healing of the ancient wisdom of the Geocentric worldview. The understanding of sacred texts and wisdom is based on a relationship to the Source. This Central Source is the Fount from which the three distinct movements of the Earth globe flow. These three turns-rotation,revolution and precession are a great secret/sod and key to the profound teachings of the mekubalim/kabbalists. These movements provide us with the experience of shanah/time, olam/matter and nephesh/soul(being). The Earth turn called precession is the slow wobble that causes the polar skies to change slowly over a 26,000 year cycle. The chart of "72" names relates to this great cycle and is a key to unlocking where we are in "time".
TurtleTalkTorah for the moon of the month of Av, the moon of the aryeh/lion. yes the turtle may roar this month. this especially since the NINE is big in this Hebrew month-the fast of the month is on the ninth day when Jews mourn for all that has been lost in their history, all the missteps, all of the nightmare. yet we just got pics sent back for the first time EVER of the NINTH planet and the date of this Hebrew year is tav-shin-ayin-heh which spells the word-tesha which is... the word for NINE. Yet this year the ninth of the Hebrew month of Av falls on the holy Sabbath, which is a remez/hint at something very good, so Jews who observe the fast do it on the tenth day. The most famous turtle in the wisdom lineages is that of the ancient Chinese sage Lo Shu(image enclosed) which has the box/kamea of NINE numbers-nine little boxes with the numbers one thru nine so that they express a beautiful pattern of symmetry and magic. as expressed in previous TurtleTalks this grid in the ancient Hebraic worldview corresponds with the sphere of the planet Shabbatai/Saturn and holds the power of JUSTICE among other qualities. The fast of the Ninth of Av is about the rebalance in experience between exile and redemption both inside and out-in the social-political and economic spheres as well as in individual religious freedom issues. Horrifically we saw NINE holy beautiful people martyred here in America, for their freedom to worship the Source of goodness and to just be the beauty that they are. They had welcomed the stranger into their house of worship-about the holiest action taught of in the Jewish wisdom of Torah. This happened as we completed NINE months of this Hebrew year whose number date is also the word for nine. The ashes of the the man who discovered the ninth planet flew by that globe precisely on the day that a nuclear peace deal of great importance was completed. The mission to Pluto took just over NINE years.That man lived in the state which is known as the home, the birthplace of the nuclear weapon.The discovery of the Ninth planet occurred precisely as the goodness of the world was challenged by a global force of hatred(1930) and we entered the age of the nuclear weapon. As stated previously the total value of the box/kamea of Nine is equal to 45(sum of the numbers 1 thru 9) and the United States is beginning the process to pick her 45th CEO. The box of Nine is also a mirror of the Nine seats on the supreme court of the USA(which holds Justice-the quality of Shabbatai) which has helped bring in some great miracles this year. The silent Turtle of Justice may be roaring if we could but listen just as the Ninth planet shows us her Heart of crystalline water in deep space. Live and Love, this Rosh Chodesh of the Moon of the Lion.
A big synchronicity(miracle) is happening as a spaceship will be sending back close crisp photos of the planet Pluto for the first time ever next week. This is the Hebrew month/moon of Tammuz which has the quality of "seeing"-Reyeah according to the Sepher Yetzirah. What is especially great is that the Sepher Yetzira explains the geometrical structure of the planetary world according to the Twenty two Hebrew letters and this includes a primary function for the Three "mother" ...letters - aleph/mem/sheen. I do understand that these three primary letters also correspond to the three distant invisible planets,(pluto-neptune-uranus) also the qualities of cardinal,fixed and mutable and also the three ways that the Earth moves-rotation,revolution and precession. The five naked eye planets and the sun and moon correspond to the seven "double" letters in the Sepher Yetzirah and the twelve remaining letters are the twelve zodiacal signs that are the frame of reference of the sky as an expression of the Earth. Earth is embodiment of sky and the divine.This actual close-up SEEING of the little planet pluto is synchronous with the revealing of the mystery of the three mother letters and the first letter of Hebrew- the ALEPH. The picture of the cube enclosed reveals how the letters, the planets and signs all go to create this cubic/physical olam/world. The cube has twelve edges-the months,tribes and zodiac;six faces and the center point=the seven- five visible planets and the sun and moon; and the THREE axis which correspond to Uranus,neptune and PLUTO. The basics of the Jewish religion are also found in the cube- the three axis are the patriarchs, the six faces are the matriarchs(four wives of Jacob and Sarah and Rebbeca) and the twelve edges are the Tribes. The eight corner points(vertices) is the covenant at eight days.The Center point is the Mystery of HaShem/Source. The sky is an outer projection of all that is the Earth and what she embodies, the circle of divinity-Shechinah. The secrets of the turtle and her colors are opening. So deep mysteries are being revealed close-up now. Good Shabbos of healing to all!