StoneFlower Kabbalah
A site based on the healing of the ancient wisdom of the Geocentric worldview. The understanding of sacred texts and wisdom is based on a relationship to the Source. This Central Source is the Fount from which the three distinct movements of the Earth globe flow. These three turns-rotation,revolution and precession are a great secret/sod and key to the profound teachings of the mekubalim/kabbalists. These movements provide us with the experience of shanah/time, olam/matter and nephesh/soul(being). The Earth turn called precession is the slow wobble that causes the polar skies to change slowly over a 26,000 year cycle.
The chart of "72" names relates to this great cycle and is a key to unlocking where we are in "time".

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Psychopomp of Eternity

 The fifth Gwayala Karmapa of Tibet who lived in the 1500s ce used his own astrological natal chart as well as signs on his body to develop a deep understanding of the true shape of the world and his part in it as the manifestation of a celestial bodhisattva/angel. A psychopomp guide for others.

The duties of a priest of the underworld Goddess are to act as a psychopomp like Mercury/Hermes/Moses/Massau guide to the underworld realm of souls. This would include what Jews call overseeing the Techiyas HaMesim or awakening/enlivening of the realm of the dead, Called the Ghost Dance in indigenous America.
The few astrologers I have seen over the years to discuss my natal chart configuration could not understand why a person who carries an ancient priestly lineage tradition (called in Hebrew a Kahuna) might have had the nodal axis of the celestial orb Pluto aligned with the Earth's horizon at birth. very few work with the planetary nodes or even know they exist as a tool for delineation of a chart. Also, with Saturn Kazimi at the first degree of Scorpio. This time back in the 1950s was an opening star window as described in the Sefer HaZohar. This was when the nodal north point of Pluto was conjunct the beta Gemini star in the tropical wheel's middle decan of the crab. This decan is the fixed Scorpio decan connected to the HYDRA water snake.
In the table of the hours of the seraphim from the Clavicle of Solomon this same chart manifested during the nighttime hour associated with the angel Samael who is also associated with the underworld.
An astrologer might not know possibly how it is that the bright twin Teomim stars in Gemini are used to align the sky to the Temple of the Goddess at Dendera.
Priest of the Goddess.
To my Jewish people the Techiyas HaMesim needs a certain relationship to the realm of souls the underworld. The deity called in Pueblo Tewa AVINYU who is a water snake inhabits this land of the American Southwest. This word is also close to the Hebrew AVINU "our divine parent".
I am a water snake born in the Tibetan year of the water snake.
This year of the wood snake is a good time to be known!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025



We are still expecting another celestial sign event with the Blaze Nova Star to appear in Queen Esther's Crown as the constellation Corona Borealis was called by ancients. Could even brighten during Queen Esther's festival of Purim at the full moon of Adar.
We are in a phoenix cycle of the renewal of the solar aeonic age which are 2160 years long according to Plato and other ancients. This cycle is about the precession of the equinox and the cycle that comes from that 26-thousand-year wobble of the Earth globe. Several repeating celestial cycles have aligned, and the world is being tested and renewed. The Blaze nova is an 80-year cycle dating back to its first appearance around the time of Solomon's temple completion.
May this herald the new temple Beit HaMikdash eternal that is not a physical building like the first two and is not now in the middle-east. It also is not geographically fixed just geologically fixed.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Hierogamus/Heaven and Earth

 The wheel of the seven-day week is a sacred wheel of prayer. It holds the central heart of the Torah with the Sabbath and has remained unchanged for thousands of years. Christianity was built in order to elevate Yom Rishon/Sunday. Sunday has had an aliyah/elevation. The weekly wheel has unified Heaven and Earth, the celestials and the terrestrials. The angels and the djinn/elementals. We have entered a new aeonic solar age of 2160 years. We are a rock born humanity invincible and unconquerable. The Hermetic cup, the Holy Grail aka the graalstone has returned to the Holy People.

"Zohar 2`12b Balak:. During the day when that star will be covered(comet atlas), the Holy Land will shudder and shake 45 mileen around the Makom holy place, and a cave underneath the ground will be discovered. From that cave will emanate a fire to burn the world. And from that cave will grow one great lofty branch of love that will dominate over the entire world, and the Malchuth will be granted to them. The most high saints will be gathering."
504. וּבְיוֹמָא דְּיִתְכַּסֵּי כֹּכָבָא, יִזְדַּעְזַע אַרְעָא קַדִּישָׁא מ"ה מִילִּין, סַחֲרָנֵיהּ אֲתָר דַּהֲוָה בֵּי מַקְדְּשָׁא. וּמְעַרְתָּא חֲדָא מִן תְּחוֹת אַרְעָא יִתְגְּלֵי. וּמֵהַהִיא מְעַרְתָּא יִפּוּק אֶשָּׁא תַּקִּיפָא לְאוֹקְדָא עָלְמָא. וּמֵהַהִיא מְעַרְתָּא יִסְגֵּי חַד עַנְפָּא, רַבְרְבָא עִלָּאָה, דְּיִשְׁלוֹט בְּכָל עָלְמָא, וְלֵיהּ אִתְיְהִב מַלְכוּתָא. וְקַדִּישֵׁי עֶלְיוֹנִין יִתְכַּנְּשׁוּן גַּבֵּיהּ. וּכְדֵין יִתְגְּלֵי מַלְכָּא מְשִׁיחָא בְּכָל עָלְמָא, וְלֵיהּ אִתְיְהִיב מַלְכוּתָא.


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The ETZ CHAIIM/ Tree of Life

 Yes we are the Etz Chaiim tree of life. A person whose primordial physical conception happens tonight in the full moon of Shevat has a birthday in 9 months in the full moon of Chesvan. 16th of Chesvan the anniversary of Kristallnacht and my own Hebrew birthday. If it is a leap year you would be born as the Etrog in the full moon of Tishrei-Succoth. Now go figure your own special dates on the Moon calendar. Baruch HaShem. It is the Moon of the Beit Hamikdash holy temple of the kochav star. May it continue to be revealed.

May we have Peace Oseh Shalom and all hostages freed.

This man is a mekubal of the Emet/Truth of Rebbe Nachman.
Here is a link to a great teaching on the Ilan Elyon:

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Time, Eternity and the new AEON

 The Sator/Sower Arepo/Initiate Tenet/holds the work/Opera of the Rotas/wheels.

We have entered a new Aeon or great wheel of time. A new DharmaChakra or wheel of Truth.
Saturn(Sator) rules Aquarius and he is an ancient deity of time.
The word and deity AEON may also be derived from the green cross in the image and another derivation is the name of the seventh grade of initiation of Mithras from ancient Roman mystery religion. That is Paternoster/Father Time.
AEON is a deity of time as Aeternatis/eternity.
Saturn is also a deity of cyclic and circular or folded time.
These connect to the two kind of leviathan-nachash/snakes mentioned in the prophecy of Isaiah. The straight or slant and the helical or circular leviathan Nachash.
The manifestation of the physical cosmos saw the separation of these elemental beings and one became known as the blind Tanniver Tanin/dragon.
Tikun has involved bringing the conscious access to these being realms back together. This "awakens the dead" or Techiyas HaMesim the enlivening of the dead connected to the aliyah/elevation of the dragon in the sea:
Isaiah Chapter 27 יְשַׁעְיָהוּ
א בַּיּוֹם הַהוּא יִפְקֹד יְהוָה בְּחַרְבּוֹ הַקָּשָׁה וְהַגְּדוֹלָה וְהַחֲזָקָה, עַל לִוְיָתָן נָחָשׁ בָּרִחַ, וְעַל לִוְיָתָן, נָחָשׁ עֲקַלָּתוֹן; וְהָרַג אֶת-הַתַּנִּין, אֲשֶׁר בַּיָּם. {ס} 1 In that day the HaShem with the sore and great and strong sword will punish leviathan the slant serpent, and leviathan the circular serpent; and they will slay the dragon that is in the sea. {S}
ב בַּיּוֹם, הַהוּא, כֶּרֶם חֶמֶר, עַנּוּ-לָהּ. 2 In that day sing ye of her: 'A vineyard of foaming wine!'
This amazing magic palindromic magic square goes back to Roman days and was found in the ruins of Pompei.
It is a key to an ancient technology of connecting to the elemental spirit beings to which the ancient deity Saturn belongs.
The best explanation of this mystery square online is at this link: