StoneFlower Kabbalah
A site based on the healing of the ancient wisdom of the Geocentric worldview. The understanding of sacred texts and wisdom is based on a relationship to the Source. This Central Source is the Fount from which the three distinct movements of the Earth globe flow. These three turns-rotation,revolution and precession are a great secret/sod and key to the profound teachings of the mekubalim/kabbalists. These movements provide us with the experience of shanah/time, olam/matter and nephesh/soul(being). The Earth turn called precession is the slow wobble that causes the polar skies to change slowly over a 26,000 year cycle. The chart of "72" names relates to this great cycle and is a key to unlocking where we are in "time".
A site based on the healing of the ancient wisdom of the Geocentric worldview. The understanding of sacred texts and wisdom is based on a relationship to the Source. This Central Source is the Fount from which the three distinct movements of the Earth globe flow. These three turns-rotation,revolution and precession are a great secret/sod and key to the profound teachings of the mekubalim/kabbalists. These movements provide us with the experience of shanah/time, olam/matter and nephesh/soul(being). The Earth turn called precession is the slow wobble that causes the polar skies to change slowly over a 26,000 year cycle. The chart of "72" names relates to this great cycle and is a key to unlocking where we are in "time".
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
The covenant of the Maya?/and Abraham Avinu
The man who posted questions concerning the Maya relationship to the Hebrew wisdom tradition has some good points. Thank You, Vincent. Only part of the story is known about the indigenous Native Americans because of the crash of imperialism upon their cultures and teachings as well as the vast destruction of elders, codices and artifacts. The sacred calendar of 260 days called the Tzolkin is one of the few incredible achievements that has survived and this calendar when linked with the basic solar calendar is the core of their prophectic tradition so popular right now. I do believe I have found the connection between the Tzolkin and the Hebrew Kameas for the days and planets as mentioned in the last post. These people also had a culture hero and “lawgiver”, know doubt who had the neshama/soul root of their language group and taught against blood sacrifice and interestingly he introduced a form of ceremonial bloodletting from the male foreskin within the priestly lines. See the photograph above from the national geographic about the cave paintings of the maya recently discovered. Pictured ia a Mayan priest initiate circumcising himself! The man pictured crosslegged also on the wall is sitting in front of a nautilus seashell displaying the spiral of the Fibonacci series which connects this scene to the teachings of the Sepher Yetzira. This kabbalistic text speaks of the golden mean(Fibonacci series spiral) in the same chapter that it tells us Abraham Avinu studied the deep math of kabbalah and then “cut” the covenant between his toes(Brit Milah) and established the covenant of the tongue which is Kabbalah.
The meso-American culture hero who brought the more correct teachings and replaced the lethal blood sacrifice with the non-lethal use of blood in prayer was called Kulkucan by the Maya and Quetzalcoatl by the Aztec. This name means precious twin or featherd serpent and connects him to the Seraphim of the mekubalim. Tradition holds that he left teachings that warned the Aztec kings that if they do not end blood sacrifice then he would return from the east in the guise of his brother “Tezcatlipoca” and destroy the meso-american culture in the 1500’s ce. Montezuma, king of the Aztecs in 1519, knew this and therefore was expecting the great destruction of his people and Kingdom. You can study about these stories if interested. Read Tony Shearer’s incredible books. He makes the point that the Aztec calendar is only 28 years different from the Hebrew calendar in marking time. The Aztec calendar cycle ended on August 16th, 1987 - their year then being 5720 while the Jewish calendar just entered the year 5748 a few weeks later. This 28 years is one cycle of the planet Shabbatai/Saturn associated with the kamea of nine discussed in the last post and the planet associated with the Aztec deity called Tezcatlipoca, one of the special Twin brother heroes of the meso-american cosmology. When we see the picture of the guy in the cave performing his own priestly covenant, the prophecy from the Mayan book Chilam Balam takes on a knew meaning as to what the sign that the returning bearded white priests from the east would “carry”.
“Receive your guests, the bearded men, the men of the east, the bearers of the sign of God, lord.” page 168 from “The Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel”(written in the 1400’s ce) Univ. of Okhlahoma Press 1967.
This week we finish the Sepher Bereishit and prepare for the Book of Shemot called the book of the Geulah. This full blue moon eclipse(Tevet15) on the eve of the Secular New Year holds the light of the geulah for those who see.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Kabbalah/wheel of time/gilgul and Mayan Tzolkin
A basic study of Kabbalah using the Sepher Yetzirah and the kamea/number grids of the weekly wheel will reveal the connection of the Mayan Calendar and the mekubalim. This is very important with all the false teachings and rumors out there. Above is the picture of the weekly sacred Hebrew wheel with the corresponding Kameas, the number letter boxes and associations. To understand one basic link with the Mayan sacred calendar called the Tzolkin we only need to first look at two basic Days and kameas. Each magic box has a number of smaller squares. The keynote number of each box is the number of small boxes plus the number of unity standing for the whole square. So the Kamea of Shabbatai/Saturn is 9 small boxes plus one which equals Ten. This kamea does equate with the basic holy Tree of the ten sephirot and the Sabbath day. When we look at the Kamea of meadim/Mars we see twentyfive small squares plus one which equals twentysix. This is the keynote number power of the kamea of meadim. Mekubalim will immediately recognize the 26 value as the gematria value of the name YHVH, the most holy name we call HaShem - the Name. When we multiply the value of the Kamea of meadim - 26 with the key number of the kamea of Shabbatai-10, we get 26X10=260. The 260 are the number of days in the Tzolkin - the sacred ceremonial calendar of the ancient Maya. We in a sense have joined Earth as temple(Shabbatai); and Sky as Heaven(Meadim), together to reveal the 260. This is one reason why the Maya used this very special count of days. We know that the value of each column in the kamea of shabbatai is equal to fifteen-Yah(Yod-heh), the most ancient name of deity for the Hebrews. Each column of the kamea of meadim equals = 65 which is the gematria value of Adonai-(Alef-daleth-nun-yod), the name that is YHVH in holy Earth, the name we say in prayer in place of the unpronouncable YHVH. the mekubalim will understand now why the Maya used the Tzolkin calendar and why they were able to predict the coming of the white bearded priests(Hebrews) to America from over the eastern ocean. In their sacred book "Chilam Balam" they prophesied these ancient priests to come and introduce the deity called Itzamna to the entire world. This is a name for the Mayan supreme divine One. Notice it contains the word Itz=tree in Hebrew and Amna=faith! We have found our relatives here in America!
" There was the word of the true God in the land. You shall await the coming forth, lord, of his priests who will bring it in time to come...On the day 13 Ahau the katun(cycle) will end in the time of the Itza...There is the sign of Hunab-ku on high... There has been a beginning of strife, there has been a beginning of rivalry, when the priestly man shall come to bring the sign of God in time to come, lord. ...A new day shall dawn in the north, in the west(from Yucatan-Mexico)Itzamna Kauil shall rise. our lord comes, Itza. Our elder brother comes, men of Tantum. Receive your guests, the bearded men, the men of the east, the bearers of the sign of god, lord. Good indeed is the word of God that comes to us. The day of our regeneration comes.... The first Tree of the world is restored, it is displayed to the world."From "The Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel" University of Oklahoma Press 1967
This reflects only a very beginning study of the kameas, the days of the week and the sacred calendars. Enlarge and continue a look at the sacred seven day week and the Kameas. It is a bright mirror!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Full Moon of Tevet=Light of geulah/redemption
Here we are at the turning point in the year between the leyning of the Sepher Bereishis and the Sepher Shemot. We are approaching the full moon of the Hebrew month of Tevet in the deep choseych/darkness of the winter. This month of Tevet is given the letter ayin by the author of the Sepher Yetzira. This letter has the value of seventy(the sacred eye/fount) and these final parshot of Bereishis speak of the going down of the 70 souls(root-sparks) into exile in mitzrayim. Remember this year of 770 contains the root word of ayin=ayin-nun). Our work has been to bring the light into the depths of darkness and allow for an unfolding initiation of the individual and the collective relationship to HaShem It is the people ourselves who are as the levanah/moon and illuminate the night and we walk the oral torah and bring it to the entire globe. The week of the full moon of Tevet we read the parsha Shemot or the last parsha of Bereishis which leads to the beginning of the book of geulah/redemption and the making of a holy people. This is the illumination of the moon of Tevet. Tevet has traditionally been a month of suffering great calamities, the seige of Jerusalem by the Babylonians(tevet10), the death of the Navi Ezra(Tevet9) and the translation of Torah by the Greeks into the “70 languages”(Tevet8). This month holds the deep darkness that needed to be illumined. It kept great secrets hidden until the proper times. Aggadah/legends tell us that the moon is kept warm by Meadim and in the previous post was the explanation of how meadim/mars in the sepher Yetzirah has the letter gimmel, the quality of wealth, the color red and contains the word Adam in it’s Hebrew name. The understanding of this is the key to chockmah/wisdom for the value of gimel is equal to the value of wisdom=73. We needed the prayer form of Christianity and it’s Roman solar calendar to bring into the line of the priestly peoples, the Sar of Rome who is a chief of the celestials called the seraphim, the winged thunders by the native Americans. This way we have transformed the “lower” mem in the name samael(sar of Rome)into the mem of the upper waters(mayim), and left the letters Samech-aleph-lammed=Sael who is one of the 72 celestials of the world Yetzirah. This name Sael is the only three letter name of the Holy Shemamphores(name of 72) that is by itself an angelic name(no ending needs to be added to it). This transformation was the need for the four exiles, and the exile of Edom and the rise of the Christian story in the world. But hidden within the Christian story which did lead to much suffering in one way for the Jews was the light of the wealth of wisdom, the giftbringer in the red cloak, meadim/mars, who warms grandmother moon which lights the dark of the night. This form of the red morning star is called by the native American Skiddi Pawnee, the true peacemaker star. For in the world of Beriyah/throne the wealthy red Sar/chief is one of the holy sephirot called Kamael(Kaph-mem-aleph-lamed) whose name by the way equals in gematria the name Sael(91) which also has the value of AMEN(91) which by the way is the name of the one true hidden deity of the few righteous priests of ancient Mitzrayim! The root of the name Kamael=kem is an ancient name for the black earth of mitzrayim. The priests of mitzrayim had some very important wisdom to impart to Moshe Rabbeinu as the Torah tells us was versed in all the wisdom of Egypt. They had been made guardians of the technology that is used to unite the soul sparks and join sky to earth, Shamayim to Aretz. The Zohar tells us that the light in certain kochavim/comets(swords of the kerubim) is connected to certain gems and gold on the breast of high mountains(High priest). “In the book of the higher Wisdom of the East,it says, speaking of certain stars which form a tail(sceptre) in the firmament, that on the Earth there are herbs, of the kind that are called “elixirs of life” and precious stones, and fine gold, which forms within the breast of high mountains(breastplate-choshen), under shallow water-which are ruled by those comets by whose influence they grow and increase; it is the glance of that luminous tail which such stars trail after them across the sky that causes these things to flourish.”(Zohar II-171b-trans.after Sperling) This technology reappears in the technology of the mishkan and The seed of geulah is born now both historically and in the gilgul/wheel of the year. Moshe and Aaron have a new form of the sacred scepter that unites sky and Earth. This full moon of Tevet does contain the light of all the full moons including the next one we call TuB’Shevat and the holiday of the Tree of the mekubalim/kabbalists. Shlomo HaMelech tells us that the guardian of the Tree/Vine is Baal Hamon, the deity of plenty/wealth(eleph ceseph), the same one who warms the Levanah/Moon.
The form of the mateh/staff of Aaron is buried deep in the dark soil of mitzrayim and the remez/hint is in Bereishis 49:5 (mem-tet-heh=mateh/staff and 40-9-5)which blessings in the exile of Egypt end the book of Bereishis and set the stage for the geulah. This mateh connects heaven and Earth as hinted at in Zohar and is under the rulership of the Baal of precious wealth. The reappearance of this sacred mateh/scepter at this time was prophecied in Talmud/aggadah and changes the actual placement where the third temple meets the physical geographically. The golden menorah of dedication of the third holy temple lights the present full moon.
Good Shabbos
A Hebrew - English Bible
According to the Masoretic Text
and the JPS 1917 Edition
© 2005 all rights reserved to Mechon Mamre for this HTML version
The form of the mateh/staff of Aaron is buried deep in the dark soil of mitzrayim and the remez/hint is in Bereishis 49:5 (mem-tet-heh=mateh/staff and 40-9-5)which blessings in the exile of Egypt end the book of Bereishis and set the stage for the geulah. This mateh connects heaven and Earth as hinted at in Zohar and is under the rulership of the Baal of precious wealth. The reappearance of this sacred mateh/scepter at this time was prophecied in Talmud/aggadah and changes the actual placement where the third temple meets the physical geographically. The golden menorah of dedication of the third holy temple lights the present full moon.
Good Shabbos
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Meadim/Mars in the Lion/the NINTH day of Chanukah?
Today the red planet Meadim/Mars is staionary retrograde in the mazal of the Aryeh/Lion. It will remain in the Aryeh for an unusually long period of several months.
WE have entered the days of the third temple and there are traditions that have predicted that the festival of dedication would increase at this time. The decade whose date means The Nine-the 5770’s(HaTesha=5770) seems to be quite appropriate for adding a ninth day to the festival. The numbers are right for this. Nine more lights make 45 without the shameshim. This moves the number from 36 to 45. 45 is the value of the name Adam and the full value of the kamea square of Shabbatai/Saturn and the Sabbath(picture above). The value of the numbers from one to nine is =45.If we include the count of the shameshim we move from 44 to 54 and 54 are the number of the parshot in holy Torah! This means that the holiday of oral Torah(Chanukah) which comes three months after Rosh Hoshanah(Rabbinic new year) equals up with the holiday of Written Torah(Shavuoth) which comes three months after the ancient new year of kings in Nisan. With the times of the third temple encompassing the entire Earth we have oral Torah of all history catching up to the written Torah of Har Sinai - 54 candles equals 54 Parshot. This ninth day occurs on Yom Rishon(Sunday) which as previously discussed is actually now Yom Echad as the yom/day was first called in Sepher Bereishis where the night and day were a fully embraced unity before the actual descent and separation of the olam into the physical reality. The ninth day of dedication also parallels the ninth day of Simchat Torah, the written torah of the feast of Succot. In the full ten lights of this ninth day of dedication the Shamash actually comes to represent the Shemesh, the sun, and the nine candles the planetary bodies around the sun. The numbers are all right now. The full ten candles are the ten sephirot of the mekubalim who are all being felt at this time. This nine also turns the nine of Av into joy since it acknowledges the light of the beis haMikdash HaShleishi whose Ner tamid is lighting up the living rooms of people everywhere. This year the ninth day would be today, Sunday which also in a sense brings the light into the Yom echad which is the bringing in of the month of Tevet into Yisrael. The festival of the days of choseych brings the light from the latter days of kislev into the first days of Tevet which is traditionally the month “belonging” to the religion of Christianity and is rooted in the ancient Roman festival of Saturnalia. The ninth day then celebrates the shamash becoming the Shemesh(sun) of Yom rishon(Sunday-Sabbath of Christianity) in the deep winter month of Tevet which was when the Babylonians first laid seige to Jerusalem and the first Temple. Another awesome connection that the mekubalim who are versed in the knowledge of the seven kameas/number grids will understand. The jolly gift bringer of Christianity is actually aligned fully with one of the seven day Sarim/governors and an ancient pagan deity. This is none other than the Baal of Wealth/Hamon mentioned in the last verses of Solomon’s holiest Song, Shir HaShirim. He is the keeper-guardian of the vine of Solomon. Only the wise Christians versed in their gnostic tradition will have any idea of the profundity of this santa and who he really is as the Red sar/chief of meadim/Tuesday. Study the grid of Mars/5X5-25 squares for the twentyfive letters of the shema proclaim the unity of the days and nights. The sepher yetzirah delineates the qualities of the Days and their Sarim/governors and herein lies a very big secret. Meadim/Yom Shleishi and the letter-gimmel rules Wealth. The gimmel on the dreidel wins it all and means-Gadol! The gematria of the word gimmel=73 which is the value of Chockmah. It has always been the function of Yisrael to bring the light into the Choseych and bring the 54 bright parshot of the Torah of Har Sinai to the entire olam/world. The other big religions have played crucial roles in joining the soul roots and making the oral torah complete to bring the shalom Shalem.
Happy Yom Echad! today
WE have entered the days of the third temple and there are traditions that have predicted that the festival of dedication would increase at this time. The decade whose date means The Nine-the 5770’s(HaTesha=5770) seems to be quite appropriate for adding a ninth day to the festival. The numbers are right for this. Nine more lights make 45 without the shameshim. This moves the number from 36 to 45. 45 is the value of the name Adam and the full value of the kamea square of Shabbatai/Saturn and the Sabbath(picture above). The value of the numbers from one to nine is =45.If we include the count of the shameshim we move from 44 to 54 and 54 are the number of the parshot in holy Torah! This means that the holiday of oral Torah(Chanukah) which comes three months after Rosh Hoshanah(Rabbinic new year) equals up with the holiday of Written Torah(Shavuoth) which comes three months after the ancient new year of kings in Nisan. With the times of the third temple encompassing the entire Earth we have oral Torah of all history catching up to the written Torah of Har Sinai - 54 candles equals 54 Parshot. This ninth day occurs on Yom Rishon(Sunday) which as previously discussed is actually now Yom Echad as the yom/day was first called in Sepher Bereishis where the night and day were a fully embraced unity before the actual descent and separation of the olam into the physical reality. The ninth day of dedication also parallels the ninth day of Simchat Torah, the written torah of the feast of Succot. In the full ten lights of this ninth day of dedication the Shamash actually comes to represent the Shemesh, the sun, and the nine candles the planetary bodies around the sun. The numbers are all right now. The full ten candles are the ten sephirot of the mekubalim who are all being felt at this time. This nine also turns the nine of Av into joy since it acknowledges the light of the beis haMikdash HaShleishi whose Ner tamid is lighting up the living rooms of people everywhere. This year the ninth day would be today, Sunday which also in a sense brings the light into the Yom echad which is the bringing in of the month of Tevet into Yisrael. The festival of the days of choseych brings the light from the latter days of kislev into the first days of Tevet which is traditionally the month “belonging” to the religion of Christianity and is rooted in the ancient Roman festival of Saturnalia. The ninth day then celebrates the shamash becoming the Shemesh(sun) of Yom rishon(Sunday-Sabbath of Christianity) in the deep winter month of Tevet which was when the Babylonians first laid seige to Jerusalem and the first Temple. Another awesome connection that the mekubalim who are versed in the knowledge of the seven kameas/number grids will understand. The jolly gift bringer of Christianity is actually aligned fully with one of the seven day Sarim/governors and an ancient pagan deity. This is none other than the Baal of Wealth/Hamon mentioned in the last verses of Solomon’s holiest Song, Shir HaShirim. He is the keeper-guardian of the vine of Solomon. Only the wise Christians versed in their gnostic tradition will have any idea of the profundity of this santa and who he really is as the Red sar/chief of meadim/Tuesday. Study the grid of Mars/5X5-25 squares for the twentyfive letters of the shema proclaim the unity of the days and nights. The sepher yetzirah delineates the qualities of the Days and their Sarim/governors and herein lies a very big secret. Meadim/Yom Shleishi and the letter-gimmel rules Wealth. The gimmel on the dreidel wins it all and means-Gadol! The gematria of the word gimmel=73 which is the value of Chockmah. It has always been the function of Yisrael to bring the light into the Choseych and bring the 54 bright parshot of the Torah of Har Sinai to the entire olam/world. The other big religions have played crucial roles in joining the soul roots and making the oral torah complete to bring the shalom Shalem.
Happy Yom Echad! today
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Qumran,Mayan Calendar/ The secret timing in the Song of Songs
The Sepher haZohar tells us that the holiest of the writings, Solomon’s song, carries a summary of the entire history of Israel including the final jubilee/Yovel.
“On the day this hymn was revealed, and Solomon sang in the power of the Ruach HaKodesh this song wherein is to be found the summary of the whole Torah…It contains the crowning of the Holy Name with love and joy, the prophecy of Israel’s exile among the nations, of their redemption, of the resurrection of the dead, and of all else until that Day which is “Sabbath to the Lord”. All that was, is and shall be, is contained in it; and, indeed, even that which will take place on the “seventh Day”, which will be the “Lord’s Sabbath”, is indicated in this song.“(Zohar II-144a-trans. After Sperling)If we take the hint from Zohar and count each of the 117 verses in Shir haShirim as a jubilee of 50 years it means that we finished the 115 verses in 5750(115X50=5750) and have entered the 116th verse which has the remez/hint to a shout from the heavens.
יג הַיּוֹשֶׁבֶת בַּגַּנִּים, חֲבֵרִים מַקְשִׁיבִים לְקוֹלֵךְ--הַשְׁמִיעִנִי. | 13 Thou that dwellest in the gardens, the companions hearken for thy voice: 'Cause me to hear it.' |
The 117th verse has the word Tzvi/gazelle which by atbash code holds the name Moshe.(Tzadde=heh-beth=shin-yod=mem)Hebrew - English Bible
According to the Masoretic Text
and the JPS 1917 Edition
© 2005 all rights reserved to Mechon Mamre for this HTML version
In the Native American prophetic wisdom tradition two beings called Sweet Medicine and White Calf woman hold the soul roots of the Neshama and the Chayah level respectively, of the being world. They are like the Moses and Miriam of the ancient Hebrews. Sweet Medicine is called the Spirit of the animals(animal soul root- and horned with qeren ), and White Calf Woman, the spirit of the plants and the well of wisdom(like Miriam). On the circular native medicine wheel the spirit of the animals is in the north(gold and Hanukkah,oral Torah-Moses) and the spirit of the plants is in the south(silver-Shavuoth-written Torah-Miriam). This wheel can also be found in the Sepher Eshel Abraham with the metals , elements and directions in a circle(see picture above with aesh/fire and zapohn/north/gold to the left). The man Sweet medicine had the root neshamah of native America and brought sacred teachings to the Plains Indians as did The white Calf Woman as well who brought teachings to the Lakota. One sign, awaited by Native Americans for centuries, of the unified return of these beings to America came in 1994/5754 as the birth of a pure female white bison calf. The first ever white female heifer bison calf ever known. Then three years later came the birth of the pure red heifer in ancient Judea during the passing of the bright kochav/comet Haille-Bop. Thus two “shouts,” one for the native peoples as the white bison calf, and another for the Jews as the red calf. Now we have a third “holy Cow” as a shout to the billion people following Christianity
This says that the soul of all Humanity(Knesset Yisrael) is fully unified right to the nephesh(dam-blood) level of animal soul. The bovine “signs” relate directly to the left face of the chariot/Merkava as Ezekiel saw it with the face of the calf. This is gold and physical wealth and balance of Din reaching into the depths of the animal world in the physical creation. The rural village children have named this new calf after the first redeemer of Yisrael! Bringing us to the hidden name of Moses in the 117th verse of the holiest of the ketubim/writings and the hint at the global geulah/redemption.
In the Qumran scrolls we have an echo of the prophecy of great celestial chiefs/Sarim joining together as depicted on the meso-american stone calendar(see the picture above,the serpent angels surround the wheel). The two serpent dragons face each other with 22 special fires coming off their backs. The Mayan/Aztec calendar "ends”in our present times with these two beings joining each other. They are called by the Aztecs Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca. Their corresponding planetary powers, metals and realms parallel exactly those of the angel princes Michael and Belial of Qumran. In Qumran we have this exact picture in the scroll called “The Testament of Amram”. It is a vision that comes to the father of Moses and he sees two great celestial angels that look like serpents and are arguing over custody of his-Amram‘s remains!
“(I saw Watchers)in my vision, a dream vision, and behold two(of them) argued about me and said….and they were engaged in a great quarrel concerning me. I asked them:”You, what are you...thus…(about me?) They answered and (said to me:”We have been made m)asters and rule over all the sons of men.” And they said to me: “Which of us do you (choose…).
I raised my eyes and saw one of them. His looks were frightening(like those of a vi)per, and his (garm(en)ts were multi-colored and he was extremely dark…
And afterwards I looked and behold…by his appearance and his face was that of an adder, and he was covered w ith…together, and his eyes…”from “The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls” by Geza Vermes
During these bright days of dedication of the holy temple we take refuge in the sacred stories and legends of oral Torah and the miraculous signs in our own times; and we say Happy Hannukah!!
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Dead Sea Scrolls and the "imperishable Sepher"
The community living in the dead sea caves was organized around the understanding that the temple tradition was at the core of the great work to bring the entire globe into the shalom shalem/complete peace. Therefore, and based on the posuk in Chumash that all the tribes inherited land except for the Levites/priests who inherited YHVH, the priestly lineages were key to bringing in the era of the third temple. The nature and function of the precious vessels in Solomon’s temple were also of extreme significance to these people and hence the mystery and intrigue surrounding the famous Copper scroll that speaks of the places where the temple treasure were to be found. The last weeks blog post holds the scroll fragment that explains the vision of the sacred city in a new place related to nine hills and the elemental sarim/governors. It also hints that this new temple nexus will be set up while some of humanity slumbers in not even knowing about the great changes. and so some will do deeds not in line with a world in the presence of the third temple. The original Christian scholars who first translated the scrolls were not happy with the fact that the scrolls included the fact that the Hebrew priesthood had such an important role in bringing in the epoch of geulah/redemption since their own tradition they believed had long ago “replaced” the importance of the Kahuna of Yisrael. And so the scrolls kind of went underground again for a while. The people in Qumran were part of the line that knew that the vessels of the First Beit haMikdash had been reworked into heirlooms of a smaller size that were passed down through generations of people. The Talmud tells us that anyplace that has a consecrated item from Solomon’s temple is itself like the whole first Temple herself and so when the time was right the “foundations” of the Holy house would rise up from below the earth and reappear “ in a land far away” where much gold and silver would come(read the last post). The next fragment from Qumran show how these people were connected to the mekubalim/kabbalists since the physiognomies and astrological connections about the people involved as temple initiates, can also be found in the sepher haZohar especially in the parts about Yitro.Jethro and Terumah. In this fragment is a direct quote from the book of Kings regarding Solomon, “And his wisdom will go forth to all peoples”. This connects us to the temple mysteries and even to the Gnostic tradition of early Christianity that used the verse “let him who has Wisdom and Understanding” calculate the number of the Chayoth”, from the infamous line in the Gnostic poem that is so sorely misinterpreted. The words and number 666 refer directly to Solomon(666 talents of gold came to Shlomo in his census) and the temple mysteries as this blog has continually explained in details. The Jewish Aggadah/legends has told us that the vessels of the first temple will reemerge with the lineages of initiates and this has happened. In fact the upcoming holiday of Chanukah is directly connected to the reemergence of the Breastplate of the high priest, The Choshen which letters Chet-Shin-Nun also are the initials for Nur shel Chanukah-Nun-Shin-Chet which means Light of Chanukah. These letters also form Nachash/serpent and this is a secret key to the geometrical form of the Scepter of Aaron which secret can also be found in verse 49:Five of Sepher Bereishis. 49:5 gives the word Mem-Tet-Heh which is mateh, the word for scepter. In fact all the changes that Tanach(geulah, kibbiutz golios,techiyas hametim) has predicted has all begun simultaneously and people are awakening to what this means depending on their own path and place of initiation. The sepher mentioned in the fragment below, “the book that will not decay” relates this material to the initiation in the line of the Adam Baal Shem, who possesses the Crystal book of Raziel and the connection to the original Adam Qadmon of a Tikkun Olam. The person described is actually a “Baal Shem”. These scrolls are a call from thousands of years ago to the people of Yaakov. Awaken you have a new name You are Yisrael, a mighty Sar who proclaims the Shalom shalem.
Paraphrase of Qumran text:
Col 1
1[...] of his hand, two [...] a mark. His | hair will be red and he will have moles on [...] | and small marks in his thighs. [And after t]wo years, he will know one thing from another[1]. | While he is young, he will be like ...[] someone who knows nothing, until he 5knows the three Books[2] [...] | Then he will gain wisdom and learn understanding [...] visions will come to him while he is on his knees. | And with his father and ancestors [...] life and old age. He will have wisdom and discretion | and he will know the secrets of man. His wisdom will reach out to everyone and he will know the secrets of all living things. | All of their plans against him will fail, and his rule over all things will be great. 10[...] his plans will succeed because he is the one picked by God. His birth and the breath of his spirit [...] and his plans will last forever. [...]
Col 2
1[...] which [...] fell in ancient times. The sons of the pit [...] | [...] evil. The spot [...] | [...] | [...] in order to go [...] 5 [...] flesh [...] | [...] | and his breathing out [...] | forever [...] | 10 | [...] | and the cities [...] | and they will destroy [...] | The waters will stop [...] they will destroy [...] from the heights. They will all come [...] 15 [...] | [...] and they will all be destroyed. His work will be like that of the Watcher. | Instead of his voice [...] he will establish his foundation on him. His sin and his error | [...] the Holy One and the Watchers [...] to say | they will speak against him [...].
frag 1 Col 1
1[...] you will be [...] | [...] he will make you think of the holy angels [...] | [...] the lights will be revealed to him | [...] all of his teachings 5 [...] the wisdom of humanity, and every wise man | [...] in the region he will be great | [...] humanity will be troubled | [...] he will share God's secrets | [...] he will understand God's mysteries [...]
frag 1 Col 2
8 he made [...] | that you are afraid of [...] 10 he will strengthen its concealment at the end of your powers. His possessions [...] | and he will not die in the days of evil. And his words will contain great wisdom. I will praise you [...] | is sentenced to death. Who will write the words of God in a book that will not decay? And my sayings [...] |You will come to me and in the time of evil he will know you forever. A man who [...] your servants, [...] sons [...]
[1] "[And after t]wo years, he will know one thing from another" has also been translated as" which will be different from each other."
[2] I feel that this refers to the three parts of the Hebrew Bible (the law, the prophets, and the writings).
[3] A shekel is defined as any of various ancient unit of weight; especially: a Hebrew unit equal to about 252 grains troy.
Vermes, Geza. The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English. The Penguin Press, New York. 1997.
Wise, Michael, Martin Abegg Jr., and Edward Cook. The Dead Sea Scrolls: A New Translation. Harper Collins Publishers, San Francisco. 1996.
prepared for Intro. to the Hebrew Bible
by Nick Flanigan
Paraphrase of Qumran text:
Col 1
1[...] of his hand, two [...] a mark. His | hair will be red and he will have moles on [...] | and small marks in his thighs. [And after t]wo years, he will know one thing from another[1]. | While he is young, he will be like ...[] someone who knows nothing, until he 5knows the three Books[2] [...] | Then he will gain wisdom and learn understanding [...] visions will come to him while he is on his knees. | And with his father and ancestors [...] life and old age. He will have wisdom and discretion | and he will know the secrets of man. His wisdom will reach out to everyone and he will know the secrets of all living things. | All of their plans against him will fail, and his rule over all things will be great. 10[...] his plans will succeed because he is the one picked by God. His birth and the breath of his spirit [...] and his plans will last forever. [...]
Col 2
1[...] which [...] fell in ancient times. The sons of the pit [...] | [...] evil. The spot [...] | [...] | [...] in order to go [...] 5 [...] flesh [...] | [...] | and his breathing out [...] | forever [...] | 10 | [...] | and the cities [...] | and they will destroy [...] | The waters will stop [...] they will destroy [...] from the heights. They will all come [...] 15 [...] | [...] and they will all be destroyed. His work will be like that of the Watcher. | Instead of his voice [...] he will establish his foundation on him. His sin and his error | [...] the Holy One and the Watchers [...] to say | they will speak against him [...].
frag 1 Col 1
1[...] you will be [...] | [...] he will make you think of the holy angels [...] | [...] the lights will be revealed to him | [...] all of his teachings 5 [...] the wisdom of humanity, and every wise man | [...] in the region he will be great | [...] humanity will be troubled | [...] he will share God's secrets | [...] he will understand God's mysteries [...]
frag 1 Col 2
8 he made [...] | that you are afraid of [...] 10 he will strengthen its concealment at the end of your powers. His possessions [...] | and he will not die in the days of evil. And his words will contain great wisdom. I will praise you [...] | is sentenced to death. Who will write the words of God in a book that will not decay? And my sayings [...] |You will come to me and in the time of evil he will know you forever. A man who [...] your servants, [...] sons [...]
[1] "[And after t]wo years, he will know one thing from another" has also been translated as" which will be different from each other."
[2] I feel that this refers to the three parts of the Hebrew Bible (the law, the prophets, and the writings).
[3] A shekel is defined as any of various ancient unit of weight; especially: a Hebrew unit equal to about 252 grains troy.
Vermes, Geza. The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English. The Penguin Press, New York. 1997.
Wise, Michael, Martin Abegg Jr., and Edward Cook. The Dead Sea Scrolls: A New Translation. Harper Collins Publishers, San Francisco. 1996.
prepared for Intro. to the Hebrew Bible
by Nick Flanigan
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