As mentioned often in this blog the understanding of worldview by means of dimensionality and centrality in the universe is a key to understanding and living the wisdom of the ancient sages of our world's religions. The three kinds of movements of our holy globe Earth are connected to spanning out the five continuums(dimensions) and their vertices, called the omakim/depths in the ancient hebrew. These Ten "depths" are also a key teaching in Buddhism as the ten spans of the universe of manifestation. The first 52 words of Torah explain all that goes on to make "Yom Echad" day unified/One, and the continued manifestation of the world. The "first" continuum is heaven and earth and this is connected to the movement called precession which is the slow wobble of the globe. This is called the axis or dragon/Teli in the teachings of the mekubalim/kabbalists. The orbital/revolutionary movement of the globe about the sun is connected to the continuum of time called the shana/year by the mekubalim and the omakim/depths Tohu and Bohu in the first paragraph of Torah. The rotational movement of the globe is connected to the realm called lev/heart(soul) and related to the three continuums of space; up/down,front/back,left/right and in Torah light and dark, day and night, evening and morning. These are so interconnected a mekubal may discover a different relationship with all this then the hinted at one stated here. this is not a dogma but an investigation which for a person whose life walk is the wisdom/Beauty way is part of initiation.
The mekubalim understood the walk of life as the aboriginal elders all around the world, as a cyclical dance rather then a linear construct as many people in the popular four continuum without a center worldview. This is why the hebrew sages made it part of the yearly cycle to read the Torah as a way of making sacred in our own lives this great circle. As an ongoing part of this blog for several years now we look at the Torah verse that corresponds by number with the hebrew calendar year. This is less meant as a prediction for the future year beginning in the fall but more to be understood as a tool to accessing the center of the wheel of life which is why we sing the five books in the yearly cycle. The 5772nd verse of torah could actually be the first verse since it begins with the word vayomer which means that the Source speaks or will speak, which itself is considered an ongoing act of creation and sustenance. The first three words are "Vayomer asterah panai" which could have several aspects of meaning as all Torah does. " Devarim/Deutoronomy chapter 32:20; "And he will say "I shall hide my face" is a usual translation although we may hear it saying that the in the scintillation of the creative vibration of the universe the Source is hidden so individuals may live and grow and act freely. The rest of the verse speaks of the acharitam/the "end of days" and the specific generation that will rediscover their true inner living faith/amen. It is an amazing verse and we may hear it unfolding even now in the circular dance of the Earth paradigm described above. The value of 72 - the "upcoming" hebrew year is the gematria(number value) for the word Chesed=lovingkindness. The tibetan/Asian year called water dragon begins during this year 5772 and this is a synchronicity with the "revealing of the Source" as connected to the Teli/axis or dragon in the books of the mekubalim. The now very popular Pueblo/Hopi and Mayan prophecies also connect to this unfolding. These are the upper waters of love that characterize the new "flood" that the sages said would cover the earth in our times.
as an addition to the above post their are two more quite significant points to bring up. one is that the rare transit of venus across the face of the sun occurs during 5772/2012 and this closes an unusual and rare eight year window since 2004, when the first transit occurred. these eight year "windows" only happen about once in more than a century and the Mayans based their calculations on these. the author of the Zohar has a lot to say about special "star" windows like these in Zohar parsha Terumah.
The other point is that the great pyramid at giza has been said to contain hidden time prophecies in it's dimensions from an earlier wisdom tradition and "world". There are several books written on this subject. One calculation of the height of the pyramid has it at 481 feet which yields an inch value (481X12) of 5772 inches.
Thank you!
Usually think about the five continua as 3 of space, time, and soul. Appreciate the expansion.
Thinking about last week’s parasha. During the recital of all of the family groupings associated with places (e.g., the Hevroni family from Hevron), I got bored and counted. There are 55 family groupings associated with a physical place. Can we think of tikunim represented by 11 (da’at, the 11th sefira and so much more) happening at each of the 5 continua? 55
By the way, I just wanted to reiterate how important your posts have been to me over the years. Although I don't always understand (that's an understatement), what comes through is the fact that there are a lot of co-workers in this project of ours over millenia. As a Jew (and now also an Israeli), I am honored to try and play my part, but I love to think of us all in this together. No matter what the outcome in this reality, this convinces me that it really is All Good. Thank you.
Shabbat shalom!
yes, js there are many incredible synchronicities in torah simply because it is written from the 5-C. the global work through so many different streams of the wisdom lineages has been the main point of the blog so that is great. and yes the daas/knowledge referred to sometimes as an eleventh depth is really the understanding of how the five sets of polarities are both dual and non-dual depending on our orientation or directional sense. the I and Thou of Rabbi Buber. this is why prayer holds such an important place
For years I have been looking for a link as to why the Mayans "Put Out" all there fires every 52 years and then relit them all by sending out runners from a central
point to the fathest corners of the land.
The Flame/Fire or Fire Breathing Dragon is the Flame/Light that comes from Galactic Center at the end of every great cycle or Age.
There 52 year ceremony is a Memory
or rememberence of this great event, every 52,000 years.
Here is the punch line, so simple now, but it took me many years to find it.
5772 Div. by 52 = 111.
Which means UNITY can be found,
at this Time, on every level in the old, 3d, World that is closing.
Then there is 5772 x 14 = 80808, and as we know 888 is the Ancient Number for Christ and a proof is
80808 Div. 8 [the UNITY/HARMONY
Number] = 10101, ie, the 111 unity we begun with.
Chech out Number 14 in the Tarot Code, it is "Temperance" for Ballance Between Worlds, and in Self, ie. "Graduating" putting on
the "Pyramid Cap" at/in 5772/2012.
thanks for your comment seeker, yes the 26 thousand light year distance from Earth to galactic center when doubled is 52 thousand years - and the Earth wobble is synchronous with this wave of light. the 52 year fire bundle ceremony is part of the calendar that Tony Shearer, the great Chicano scholar called an Echo circle. you are finding the echoes. awesome! On the sunstone itself one can count 22 of the "52"year fire bundles on the back of the two dragons. 22X52=one Aztec time cycle. yet their is a hint that in the change of the big cycle we are in now the 22 is also important as 22 years.
thanks for your comment seeker, yes the 26 thousand light year distance from Earth to galactic center when doubled is 52 thousand years - and the Earth wobble is synchronous with this wave of light. the 52 year fire bundle ceremony is part of the calendar that Tony Shearer, the great Chicano scholar called an Echo circle. you are finding the echoes. awesome! On the sunstone itself one can count 22 of the "52"year fire bundles on the back of the two dragons. 22X52=one Aztec time cycle. yet their is a hint that in the change of the big cycle we are in now the 22 is also important as 22 years.
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