StoneFlower Kabbalah
A site based on the healing of the ancient wisdom of the Geocentric worldview. The understanding of sacred texts and wisdom is based on a relationship to the Source. This Central Source is the Fount from which the three distinct movements of the Earth globe flow. These three turns-rotation,revolution and precession are a great secret/sod and key to the profound teachings of the mekubalim/kabbalists. These movements provide us with the experience of shanah/time, olam/matter and nephesh/soul(being). The Earth turn called precession is the slow wobble that causes the polar skies to change slowly over a 26,000 year cycle.
The chart of "72" names relates to this great cycle and is a key to unlocking where we are in "time".

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Turtle Talks Torah of the Passover swim with the Upper Waters of the Sacred Tree

This turtle knows the waters, the Earth and also MATH!
This vision of an indigenous Native elder is about our times and the unfolding flowering TREE of Peace. It is not about a new age speculative religion based on the star world or a tropical drug plant. Although a person may find real knowledge in diverse traditions and paths integrating this into real wisdom is of another order. May all people find their true origin and help bring peace into their lives and our world. This teaching of Black Elk is a wise indigenous understanding that has elements a person may find in the Jewish wisdom teachings from the Sepher HaZohar concerning the luminous lodge of colors, the "rainbow lodge" of the sarim/Grandfathers and the "daybreak star" that is wisdom. This colored lodge of initiation is "above" the realm of the stars which some of the ancients worshipped.Also the ancient Mateh/staff of Moses is mentioned as the "red(gold) stick". This sacred Mateh, the ancient technology of the Jewish wisdom tradition from the ark of the covenant has returned to the people of Yisrael. It also has many elements in common with the Christian prophecy found in the New Testament book of Revelation of John as well as the different colored horses in the Hebrew text of Zechariah. It is a positive vision that also explains the turmoil and trouble of the fascist corporate pharaohs that have come into the socio-political forefront of history now.
"Black Elk saw two men descend with flaming spears. They took him, on a cloud, to a great plain. There a bay horse greeted him, accompanied by prancing horses of different colors: black, white, sorrel (red), and buckskin (yellow). (Later, the colors of these horses would represent the four directions.) Leaving the horses, Black Elk went into a rainbow-covered lodge, the lodge of the Six Grandfathers (the powers of the four quarters, or four directions, of the universe and of Mother Earth and Father Sky).
The third Grandfather, the power of the red dawn rising in the east, gave Black Elk the sacred pipe, the power of peace. The daybreak star appeared, and he was told he would have the power to awaken others. Powerful knowledge would come to this land, and peace would come, through knowledge and wisdom.
Then Black Elk took the bright red stick(mateh in the Hebrew) and cast it into the center of the earth. The stick became a Sun Dance tree, a waga chun, a cottonwood tree. A peace pipe descended to the tree's base, spreading deep peace, and the people sang with delight. The daybreak star rose. Black Elk was told that the star would be as a relative to the people; those who saw it would see much more, because the star represented wisdom.
The sixth Grandfather was really Mother Earth, the Earth Spirit. The Earth Spirit took Black Elk outside the lodge and told him the Earth Power would be with him. In time, the two-leggeds would desperately need Mother Earth's help.
Then Black Elk saw that the sacred hoop of his people was only one of many hoops, all joined together to make one great circle, the great hoop of all peoples. In the center of the great hoop stood a powerful, sheltering, flowering tree, and under it gathered children of all nations.
At the end of Black Elk's vision, two spirit men gave him the day-break-star herb of understanding. He dropped the herb down to the world below, and it flowered, spreading its power out into the whole world. In time, he was promised, his people would be free and would help spread this power of peace and understanding.Black Elk's Vision linkBlack Elk's Vision Links

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