StoneFlower Kabbalah
A site based on the healing of the ancient wisdom of the Geocentric worldview. The understanding of sacred texts and wisdom is based on a relationship to the Source. This Central Source is the Fount from which the three distinct movements of the Earth globe flow. These three turns-rotation,revolution and precession are a great secret/sod and key to the profound teachings of the mekubalim/kabbalists. These movements provide us with the experience of shanah/time, olam/matter and nephesh/soul(being). The Earth turn called precession is the slow wobble that causes the polar skies to change slowly over a 26,000 year cycle.
The chart of "72" names relates to this great cycle and is a key to unlocking where we are in "time".

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

The Moon

 Known as the deity "Men" in ancient Anatolia he is the elemental chief or initiate of the lineage tradition associated with the Moon and Time itself and THOTH in Egypt: This is a hint that the Har SINAI/Mt.Sinai is associated with the name of the Mesopotamian Moon deity. This is related to what is called the TELI/Dragon of the Moon's nodal axis in the Sefer Yetzirah which is an ancient mathematical treatise of kabbalah. That text delineates the mathematical basis for the ancient Jewish covenant of Abraham and Sarah as a magical prayer work to accomplish a needed Tikun healing change in how the world functions.

Very interesting he is here said to be the son of the Sumer deities Enlil/air and his consort Ninlil/wind (Lilith). And so, the last stone for the Beit HaMikdash needed to be placed by Ephippas the Arabian wind Djinn according to the pseudepigraphic Testament of Solomon. It just snowed in the Arabian desert for the first time in history.

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