StoneFlower Kabbalah
A site based on the healing of the ancient wisdom of the Geocentric worldview. The understanding of sacred texts and wisdom is based on a relationship to the Source. This Central Source is the Fount from which the three distinct movements of the Earth globe flow. These three turns-rotation,revolution and precession are a great secret/sod and key to the profound teachings of the mekubalim/kabbalists. These movements provide us with the experience of shanah/time, olam/matter and nephesh/soul(being). The Earth turn called precession is the slow wobble that causes the polar skies to change slowly over a 26,000 year cycle.
The chart of "72" names relates to this great cycle and is a key to unlocking where we are in "time".

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Chrismakah 5785

 Since we do have Chrismakah this year with the eight nights of Chanukah beginning on Christmas day and bridging the new solar year 2025 here we have a long-hidden truth on the three magi:

This is a story of initiation of a person who history changed up greatly. The person who carried the astrological "beast"-Therion (Greek) of the new age of Pisces/Fish.
GOLD: Tanin Gadol- Chief of the elementals (Djinn-Shedim)Chasmodai
FRANKINCENSE: Sar Gadol-, Chief prince of angels Seraph
MYRRH: - Kohen Gadol- High Priest of the Moon, chief/Chieftess of Souls
From Sefer HaZohar, Grandmother Twylah the Seneca Chieftess, and Rudolph Steiner's lectures the comets are the celestial interface with the beings called Seraphim and Kerubim.
What is so special about the holiday of Chanukah is that it is celebrated in the dark of the Moon and the eight days bridge two lunar Jewish months. This year it also bridges two different months and years of the solar Christian calendar.
May tyrants continue to fall as in the 70-day comet prophecy from Zohar Balak 212b.
Comet Atlas 9/27/24-perihelion

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