StoneFlower Kabbalah
A site based on the healing of the ancient wisdom of the Geocentric worldview. The understanding of sacred texts and wisdom is based on a relationship to the Source. This Central Source is the Fount from which the three distinct movements of the Earth globe flow. These three turns-rotation,revolution and precession are a great secret/sod and key to the profound teachings of the mekubalim/kabbalists. These movements provide us with the experience of shanah/time, olam/matter and nephesh/soul(being). The Earth turn called precession is the slow wobble that causes the polar skies to change slowly over a 26,000 year cycle.
The chart of "72" names relates to this great cycle and is a key to unlocking where we are in "time".

Friday, September 20, 2024

Santa Fe River of Souls/Pearls White Shell Water Place in Tewa

 This in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition would be a Terma a special treasure. That is an object that takes on profound spiritual meaning in the physical and non physical realms. In Tibet a person usually a lama who has found a Terma is called a Terton.

The Yiddush inscription on this tzedakah charity box tells us it was for collecting donations for the chevra kaddisha. This is the burial society for a synagogue congregation. The people in this congregation of a Hungarian town all were sent to the death camps.
The town of Santa Fe has Tibetan relic shrines as well as ancient graveyards. What the Jews call techiyas hamesim, the enlivening of the dead involves peoples who have had their remains cremated as well as buried. There is a spiritual cloud over this place due to an accelerated ghost dance soul awakening here. Not all people may experience the cloud. That may be dependent on states of consciousness individually accessible which varies.
River Kachina Hopi

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Born for Water

 The sacred twins - the "monster slayers" are available to an ailing humanity and Earth. May the new moon Rosh Chodesh of the month of Elul bring a return to healing and listening.

Changing Woman their mother may be heard in the ancient Hebrew scripture: Proverbs Chapter 8 מִשְׁלֵי
א הֲלֹא-חָכְמָה תִקְרָא; וּתְבוּנָה, תִּתֵּן קוֹלָהּ. 1 Doth not wisdom call, and understanding put forth her voice?
ב בְּרֹאשׁ-מְרֹמִים עֲלֵי-דָרֶךְ; בֵּית נְתִיבוֹת נִצָּבָה. 2 In the top of high places by the way, where the paths meet, she standeth;
ג לְיַד-שְׁעָרִים לְפִי-קָרֶת; מְבוֹא פְתָחִים תָּרֹנָּה. 3 Beside the gates, at the entry of the city, at the coming in at the doors, she crieth aloud:
ד אֲלֵיכֶם אִישִׁים אֶקְרָא; וְקוֹלִי, אֶל-בְּנֵי אָדָם. 4 'Unto you, O men, I call, and my voice is to the sons of men."

Friday, August 30, 2024

One Jewel of Your Necklace


באחד בְּאַחַת מֵעֵינַיִךְ, בְּאַחַד עֲנָק The word here for bead/jewel is ANHK
The word Lebanon also hints at the Moon
ט לִבַּבְתִּנִי, אֲחֹתִי כַלָּה; לִבַּבְתִּנִי באחד בְּאַחַת מֵעֵינַיִךְ, בְּאַחַד עֲנָק מִצַּוְּרֹנָיִךְ. 9 Thou hast ravished my heart, my sister, my bride; thou hast ravished my heart with one of thine eyes, with one bead of thy necklace.
י מַה-יָּפוּ דֹדַיִךְ, אֲחֹתִי כַלָּה; מַה-טֹּבוּ דֹדַיִךְ מִיַּיִן, וְרֵיחַ שְׁמָנַיִךְ מִכָּל-בְּשָׂמִים. 10 How fair is thy love, my sister, my bride! how much better is thy love than wine! and the smell of thine ointments than all manner of spices!
יא נֹפֶת תִּטֹּפְנָה שִׂפְתוֹתַיִךְ, כַּלָּה; דְּבַשׁ וְחָלָב תַּחַת לְשׁוֹנֵךְ, וְרֵיחַ שַׂלְמֹתַיִךְ כְּרֵיחַ לְבָנוֹן. {ס} 11 Thy lips, O my bride, drop honey--honey and milk are under thy tongue; and the smell of thy garments is like the smell of Lebanon. {S}
The key to the tikun or realignment of the olamim/worlds is given which align with the Ptolemaic succession of spheres around Sacred Earth in the special display of polarities in the menorah.
Remember there is one other set of spheres that is Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in the central solar column at the nexus of each polar branch. So, this reveals a trinity of Saturn/Demeter, Moon/Persephone and Pluto/Hades. For mekubalim this is Omak Tov/Omak Reisheet/Omak Tachat- Depth of Good, Depth of Beginning, Depth of Below.

Thursday, August 22, 2024



CLIO-History-Past: Memory
TERPSECHORE-Dance the Present
The three Muses of Origin:
The sound of water in a bubbling creek,
The sound of the winds through a hollow tree limb,
The sound of a woman's voice

Around 20 minutes she discusses the ETZ CHAIIM - the Tree of Life in the video linked below

Here is an excellent video about the Three Sisters:

Tuesday, August 20, 2024



Ten things were created at twilight of Shabbat eve. These are: the mouth of the earth [that swallowed Korach]; the mouth of [Miriam's] well; the mouth of [Balaam's] donkey; the rainbow; the manna; [Moses'] staff; the shamir; the writing, the inscription and the tablets [of the Ten Commandments]. Some say also the burial place of Moses and the ram of our father Abraham. And some say also the spirits of destruction as well as the original tongs, for tongs are made with tongs.


עֲשָׂרָה דְבָרִים נִבְרְאוּ בְּעֶֽרֶב שַׁבָּת בֵּין הַשְּׁמָשׁוֹת, וְאֵֽלּוּ הֵן: פִּי הָאָֽרֶץ, פִּי הַבְּאֵר, פִּי הָאָתוֹן, הַקֶּֽשֶׁת, וְהַמָּן, וְהַמַּטֶּה, וְהַשָּׁמִיר, הַכְּתָב, וְהַמִּכְתָּב, וְהַלֻּחוֹת. וְיֵשׁ אוֹמְרִים: אַף קִבְרוֹ שֶׁל מֹשֶׁה רַבֵּֽנוּ, וְאֵילוֹ שֶׁל אַבְרָהָם אָבִֽינוּ. וְיֵשׁ אוֹמְרִים: אַף הַמַּזִּיקִין, וְאַף צְבַת בִּצְבַת עֲשׂוּיָה.


The text above is from a section of the Jewish Talmud - Pirke Avot chapter five

The ten wondrous items is a guide in the initiation stages of the lineage of the Mateh/ the staff of initiation into the true Beith HaMikdash/Holy House. The gematrical value of the Mateh/VHamateh is equal to "65" which matches with a magic square kamea value and a divine name. In the temple image between the two pillars and just below you may see the sevenfold wheel of the sanctified week of seven days. The five planetary stars are above with the sun and moon on top of the pillars. The Aesch/fire and Maiim/water are above the canopy of the zodiac and fixed stras. There is a lot of parallels in the Tauroctony of Mithras in the image below. Mithras is in the center which is where the symbol for Merucry is in the Temple image above. So, these are all within the Hermetic lineages of initiation. Again this is about the liminal crossroads as the ten wondrous items are created in the liminal "between the suns" period in the twilight of the first Shabbat.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Year 5-784 and the Sundance Lodge

 Another echo of sacred ceremony. This year is the Jewish year 784 of the sixth millennium of the Jewish arrow of prayer in time. 784 = the square of 28 and here we see that the number 28 being a lunar number is also the number of ribs of a buffalo:

"Today, Sundance takes place on sacred ground. The circular structure where the ceremony occurs is commonly known as the Sundance Lodge, and in the centre is the tree of life, symbolic of creation. It is important to remember every lodge is unique and may be called something different.
Among Lakota people, the arbour itself is constructed of 28 trees, with 14 on each side, branches reaching across from left to right—the trees symbolic of the ribs of the buffalo.
The 28 ribs of the buffalo speaks to the teaching of the White Buffalo Calf Woman, acknowledging the female life giver and the 28 days of a woman’s menstrual cycle, signifying fertility, procreation and birth.
Those allowed in the lodge are the Sundance Chief, Sundance Elders, special guests, healers, drummers/singers, helpers and, of course, the dancers.
In many cases, men and women can dance among each other, sometimes separated on each side of the lodge; in some instances, only men can dance.
The decision to participate in Sundance is very personal. You must have a reason to dance. People attend Sundance for a variety of reasons; for their own healing, for help with addiction, for the healing of a loved one who is sick and cannot dance themselves, for family, for one’s community, or for the healing of Mother Earth and all beings in nature.
While not all Sundance ceremonies include piercing, the object of Sundance is to give something to Creator to have your prayers heard and answered." from The four-day ceremony is an act of spiritual expression and intention towards Creator that should extend beyond the four days into a person’s everyday life."
Teaching by: Sundance Chief Shane Patterson, Dakota from the Yankton Sioux Tribe in South Dakota, USA
Excerpts from SAY Magazine:
The native elders have been expecting a blood covenanted priestly lineage who also honor the sacred Etz Chaiim/tree of Life (like the sundancers) to come from over the Atlantic Ocean and help heal the "Sacred hoop of the peoples" and build a new lodge of Peace for the entire Earth.

Horned Comet 12 P-Pons Brooks

                                                                                       Wakan Gli White Bison calf born at Close                                                                                    passage Comet 12p

                                                       Sundance Lodge Lakota


Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The Gates of Liminality Time/Space/Soul

We sure seem to be living in the gateway of liminality. This is stellar, spiritual, calendrical and socio-political. The elders tell us that the birth of the white bison calf Wakan Gli is a warning but one that fulfills the ancient prophecy of the Star Maiden who visited the people thousands of years ago. This birth aligned with the close passage of the Horned Comet-12P-Pons Brooks.. We are now awaiting the appearance of the 80 year Blaze nova star in the atarah crown constellation called by natives the council of the grandparents. So this is a rare stellar portal in time. This also in a certain way fulfills the Hopi Way of Life prophecy rock as depicted in the image. The swastika is the rotating comet as seen in the ancient Chinese silk of comets. The Celtic cross is the Blaze fixed nova star and sign of European crown royalty. This time appears to be what the pueblo elders refer to as the time of purification.
Comet 12 P-Pons Brooks

Wakan Gli

                                             Ancient Chinese Comet silk and Hopi Prophecy Rock

Friday, August 09, 2024

The Baar Miriam/The Mouth of the Well

Pirke Avoth/Chapter 5 Ten things were created at twilight of Shabbat eve. These are: the mouth of the earth [that swallowed Korach]; the mouth of [Miriam's] well; the mouth of [Balaam's] donkey; the rainbow; the manna; [Moses'] staff; the shamir; the writing, the inscription and the tablets [of the Ten Commandments]. Some say also the burial place of Moses and the ram of our father Abraham. And some say also the spirits of destruction as well as the original tongs, for tongs are made with tongs. ו עֲשָׂרָה דְבָרִים נִבְרְאוּ בְּעֶֽרֶב שַׁבָּת בֵּין הַשְּׁמָשׁוֹת, וְאֵֽלּוּ הֵן: פִּי הָאָֽרֶץ, פִּי הַבְּאֵר, פִּי הָאָתוֹן, הַקֶּֽשֶׁת, וְהַמָּן, וְהַמַּטֶּה, וְהַשָּׁמִיר, הַכְּתָב, וְהַמִּכְתָּב, וְהַלֻּחוֹת. וְיֵשׁ אוֹמְרִים: אַף קִבְרוֹ שֶׁל מֹשֶׁה רַבֵּֽנוּ, וְאֵילוֹ שֶׁל אַבְרָהָם אָבִֽינוּ. וְיֵשׁ אוֹמְרִים: אַף הַמַּזִּיקִין, וְאַף צְבַת בִּצְבַת עֲשׂוּיָה.

 The Ten wonderous items are also as stages in the initiatory process referred to as the Mateh(Staff of Moses) The original impulse in the Kabbalah of the Arizal and The Sefer HaZohar called Tzimtzum or contraction is the key to the meaning and function of the Urim and Thummim of the kohen Gadol/High priest. The Qumran scrolls do envision the entire eschatological banquet table, and it says that not even the Ben David or Ben Yisrael eat until the Ben Aaron enters and makes the blessing. 

"Then shall come the Messiah of Israel, and before them shall sit the heads of the thousands of Israel, each according to their standing in their camps and musterings. And all the clan heads of the Community, together with the wise of the holy Community, shall sit before them, each according to their degree of honor. And when they shall assemble for the common table, to eat and to drink the wine, and when the common table shall be set and wine poured for drinking, no one shall reach out their hand to the first loaf of bread, nor the first cup of wine, before the priest; for they shall bless the first bread and the wine and extend their hand over the bread first. Then the Messiah of Israel shall extend their hand … (1QSa 2:14–20)." All these individuals are just initiatory offices of the wisdom lineage that is responsible for creating and manifesting the olamim/worlds. As a key to understanding the ten wonderous items we may discern a leading threesome: The three "mouths" of the Earth, the Well and the Animal. We may align these with the three major Omakim/Depths in our Wheel of Origin: Depth of the Good, Depth of the Beginning and Depth of the Below. The three essentials of Space/Time/Being. These also may be connected up with the three anashim who visited Abraham and Sarah and began the Jewish Arrow of Shamanic prayer.

Saturday, August 03, 2024

The Horn/Keren of Freedom/Shaarim Gates

 Here we have a much-contested image from an ancient Roman mystery religion of the deity Mithras. Thís is a deity of the covenant and hence an initiatory secret lineage tradition. Somewhere though in the seven stages of initiation there was probably a blood ritual covenant involving the earlobe or foreskin or chest like with the Native Sundancers.

Some searching anthropologists have gotten close however to understanding this tradition fully. The torchbearers with torches up and down/waxing and waning also have legs crossed. So yes this is an initiatory path of what the crossroads is all about. This includes however not only that of the celestial and tropical wheels as one researcher implies but the crossroads of all of time/space and being. See the post on the Wheel of Origin for the five spokes of "crossroads" in Genesis 1. 

Including the horned one we see as the lunar disc demiurges asuras and the rayed sun of the waterborne devas. This is about the Moon and the deeps of soul/being.

Horned Mother of Dragons Comet

The hidden gates not spoken of much would also be the two kochavim/stars that appear every 70 years(comet) and every 80 years(blaze star). These were watched and times they appear close to each other in visibility were especially auspicious. Like our times. But sometimes Halley's comet would get confused with the Mother of Dragons Horned star and that is why the Talmud mentions some confusion for "sailors"(of prophecy). They are both sometimes bright short period comets. The Blaze star however is a singular event and rare. The Krater/Grail Cup we see in the image connecting this with the Hermetic lineages.

Tauroctony of Mithras

The crossroads would also indicate the potential joining of angelic and elemental being realms through human agency in the physical world. This is a part of the initiatory lineage of the Muses in ancient times. this image below is a Rosetta stone of sorts between different lineages with the Hebrew angelic names and numbers and the Greek Muses.

Friday, August 02, 2024

Rosetta Stone of the Mysteries/Prophecies


So the kind of "judgment" being described in this famous Nostradamus quatrain about the SCOTUS is division of the soul also called scattering. This might be for people who have been responsible for so much suffering in the world.

The three Greek letters is the joining of three of the "Muses" in the initiatory lineages(Thoth,Hermes,Apollo,Orpheus,Buddha) which correspond to three angelic realms. This changes up how the gates of birth and death, the crossroads operate in our world. This may also be understood as the joining in a new way the three Omakim/sephirot or Depths from the wheel of origin of Kabbalah.

Omak Tov-Good/Urania-soul

Omak Reisheet- Beginning/Clio-time

Omak Tachat-below/Terpsichore-space

The "horns" of the tanin/Dragon mentioned in Daniel and Revelation may also be understood with this diagram. Sometimes in history however they may manifest as the "kellipot" shells or shadows of the Muses as how the seven deadly sins shadow the seven supernal virtues. So the seven heads and ten horns may have referred also to the first ten Roman emperors.

The Ten levels here may also correspond to the ten wonderous items which were created in the first twilight of the Sabbath from Pirke Avoth chapter 5. These hold the secret of initiation of the Mateh/Staff of Moses/Book of Thoth.

Quatrain 81 Century I Nostradamus a master of Hermetic teachings saw the court and the judging of the world:

"Nine will be set apart from the human flock,
separated from judgment and advise.
Their fate is to be divided as they depart.
K. Th. L. [Kappa, Theta, Lambda] dead, banished and scattered"

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Mysteries of Eleusis/ Autumnal Mother Seasons/the Three Visitors to Abraham

 The "trinity" of the Eleusinian mysteries is Demeter:Persephone:Hades. Everyone knows this story and what these three are all about. Of the ten Omakim/depths of the Jewish Wheel of Origin also called the sephirot these THREE are the essentials of each of the three kinds of Omakim/Depths: Time/Space/Soul

Omak Tov/Depth of the Good (soul)

Omak Tachat/Depth of the Below (space)

Omak Reisheet/Depth of the Beginning (time)

These three depths were what the three anashim/strangers carried who visited Abraham and Sarah and began the Jewish shamanic prayer form.

The three strangers/angels visit Abraham

In the trinity of Eleusis we may see these three depths personified:

Demeter: Omak Tov/Depth of Good

Hades: Omak Tachat/Depth of Below

Persephone: Omak Reisheet/Depth of Beginning (dawn renewal)

Orpheus in the underworld with Hades and Persephone

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

MOONBOW and the Rainbow Lodge

Tehillim/Psalms 89:37 

לז זַרְעוֹ, לְעוֹלָם יִהְיֶה; וְכִסְאוֹ כַשֶּׁמֶשׁ נֶגְדִּי. 37 This seed shall endure forever, and this throne as the sun before Me.

לח כְּיָרֵחַ, יִכּוֹן עוֹלָם; וְעֵד בַּשַּׁחַק, נֶאֱמָן סֶלָה. 38 It shall be established forever as the moon; and be steadfast as the witness in sky.' Selah. The Moon is mentioned as a witness for eternity There is a waterfall in the backwoods of Yosemite that an indigenous initiate would be blindfolded and brought to as a celebratory end to a long period of testing and accomplishment. This is the path
of the Beauty Way of the medicine wheels. The rainbow lodge of the MOONBOW
      Another incredible Steiner lecture highlighting a process of INVOLUTION which corroborates the two different creation stories in Genesis and the teachings of the mekubalim where the Human like Adam Kadmon begins as the complete cosmic being, the full consciousness of the pleroma. The evolution of forms in the Earth going through Steiner's planetary phases are mentioned. The physical planets in the solar system are the sloughed off part of the different phases of our full physical body development.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

KAMA-LOKA/ Astral Soul Realm/Neshamot/Pleroma

 Kama is a divine root word in both Sanskrit and Hebrew. In fact, the name Kamala in the Jewish tradition is comparable to a powerful angelic name. Kama and Ala are both divine shoreshim/root words. Together they create the word for the divine lotus bloom in Sanskrit and an angelic name in Hebrew.

The realm where the neshamot/individual human souls connect with the Chaya life level of soul aligned with the Pleroma of the Gnostics is called KAMALOKA in Sanskrit: This video explains the "sheaths" that align with conscious parts of the human soul including physical,etheric and astral. He also explains the functions of ancient temples in connection with the divine agencies and powers and at the end he introduces his more wholesome kind of Christianity than the fundamentalist forms. So when we understand how sacred temples may be created that transmit and or to embody the spirit of a vast being. Some of these beings were hallowed as deities by the ancients. So we may gain a peek at how the relic shrine called a Stupa in Tibet may help bring a soul awakening in a place like El Ciudad Encanto/Santa Fe.

Friday, July 26, 2024

SOUL Gates and the Medicine Wheels

 Here is pictured an ancient Jewish/Hebrew medicine wheel from the Zoharic tradition. The Native American medicine wheel at the bottom of the page goes along with an initiatory teaching on how a person uses a wheel for transformation on any levels. For the Jewish mekubalim this is called working with the Name. Baal Shem teachings. This wheel has added the Hebrew names of the portions of the human soul that we interface into. These make us to be human. What has been accomplished by the lineage traditions is what in the talmudic teachings is called "finishing the north". This changes up the shaarim/soul gates for coming and going from this world. These gates are connected to the days of the omer count in the ceremonial Hebrew calendar of the Moon and to the days of the week. In Tibetan Buddhism this is a descent more closely and therefore more easily accessed into our world the realms of the Taras, Chakravartins, Bodhisattvas and Buddhas. the Steiner lecture video below explains in his angelology how all this is interrelated with the "spiritual hierarchies" and the physical creation manifestation.

Hebrew wheel printed 1701ce

Wheel of the sephirot from Idel's book Kabbalah

Wheel above from Storm's book Lightningbolt

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Foundation of Sacred Aretz/Earth Being


This ancient Hebrew medicine wheel as explained before shows an initiate in this ancient alchemy how to close the "North" which according to Talmudic aggadah was left open at creation. This change also shifts the impact of the gates with guardians over birthing and dying and souls coming in and their going out of this world. Rudolf Steiner explains in the video below how all the major players in creation are interconnected. This teaching is straight from the Sefer HaZohar on the winds and elements which the wheel above is a graphic explanation. With the indigenous Native American teachings an initiate learns how to use a medicine wheel and then it may be figured how to change up the fundamental foundations of the cosmos of being. In the ancient Hebrew alchemy this is about the lineage tradition of a Baal Shem.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Lady of the Ninth Heaven/Western Paradise/Lady Santa Fe El Ciudad Encanto

 This being called here in this video a benevolent celestial spirit is also connected in Taoism to the Empress Mother of the West who also holds the axis mundi of all the olamim/worlds. This AXIS called the Sulam in Hebrew and appeared to Jacob at the place called LUZ. Since the ladder goes through the underworlds as well, we have an awakening of souls below. This depends on how the gatekeepers want to help with the great tikun/repair of the olamim/world.

The city of Santa Fe is very aligned with the divine mother and even has a yearly precession through the streets with one of their Divine Mother relic statues. Our Lady of Guadalupe/El Santuario Del Guadalupe is a church in town that is the oldest of its kind in the United Sates. Her story is very revered here. Also Santa Fe is called in ancient Tewa Pueblo language  Oga Po'geh "The White Shell Water Place" because pearls were found in the Santa Fe River. This is also a name for the Goddess mother of the "Twins" in Pueblo, Apache and Navajo teachings.

In El Ciudad Encanto she is the enchanter. She may have an echo mirror in the Lord of the Ninth Underworld/"hell" in the Nahuatl/Aztec and Maya cosmology of Turtle Island/North America. The underworlds are associated in pueblo teaching with the spirit being called MASSAU who guides the people through the sipapuni ladder.

Like the Empress of the West she is associated with a holy TREE: {ס} 4 'I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem: Why should ye awaken, or stir up love, until it please?' {S} ה מִי זֹאת, עֹלָה מִן-הַמִּדְבָּר, מִתְרַפֶּקֶת, עַל-דּוֹדָהּ; תַּחַת הַתַּפּוּחַ, עוֹרַרְתִּיךָ--שָׁמָּה חִבְּלַתְךָ אִמֶּךָ, שָׁמָּה חִבְּלָה יְלָדַתְךָ. 5 Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved? Under the apple-tree I awakened thee; there thy mother was in travail with thee; there was she in travail and brought thee forth."

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Wheel of Origin

 These are the first 52 words of the Hebrew bible/Torah: 

Genesis Chapter 1 בְּרֵאשִׁית

Parashat Bereshit : פרשת בראשית
א  בְּרֵאשִׁית, בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים, אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם, וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ.1 In the beginning Elohim created the heaven and the earth.
ב  וְהָאָרֶץ, הָיְתָה תֹהוּ וָבֹהוּ, וְחֹשֶׁךְ, עַל-פְּנֵי תְהוֹם; וְרוּחַ אֱלֹהִים, מְרַחֶפֶת עַל-פְּנֵי הַמָּיִם.2 Now the earth was unformed and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of Elohim hovered over the face of the waters.
ג  וַיֹּאמֶר אֱלֹהִים, יְהִי אוֹר; וַיְהִי-אוֹר.3 And Elohim said: 'Let there be light.' And there was light.
ד  וַיַּרְא אֱלֹהִים אֶת-הָאוֹר, כִּי-טוֹב; וַיַּבְדֵּל אֱלֹהִים, בֵּין הָאוֹר וּבֵין הַחֹשֶׁךְ.4 And Elohim saw the light, that it was good; and Elohim divided the light from the darkness.
ה  וַיִּקְרָא אֱלֹהִים לָאוֹר יוֹם, וְלַחֹשֶׁךְ קָרָא לָיְלָה; וַיְהִי-עֶרֶב וַיְהִי-בֹקֶר, יוֹם אֶחָד.  {פ}5 And Elohim called the light Day, and the darkness they called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day. {P}
The Sefer Yetzirah primer of Kabbalah tells us to put the sacred letters of lashon hakodesh, the holy tongue in a wheel to study them: So we may see that all that is on this first day called YOM ECHAD/Day Singular consists of a wheel of five spokes of polarities:
Shamayim/Aretz: Heavens and Earth
Tohu/Bohu: Elements and Molecules
Choseyhk/Ohr: Darkness and Light
Yom/Lailah: Day and Night
Erev/Boker: Evening and morning
Wheel of the Ten Omakim/Depths or Eternities

We find a wheel made of five spokes of polarities as listed manifesting out of the TAHOM/the DEEP. This ancient diagram above of the TEN OMAKIM/DEPTHS of ETERNITIES is revolving out of the Source of Love.

This medicine wheel image above is from a commentary on the Sefer HaZohar Printed in 1701ce. It shows the directions and elements and may be used to understand how to bring the tikun/repair or rebalancing of the world. The Talmudic Aggadah explains that the world is left unfinished in the north direction, and this is where "evil" flows in from. This may be healed to bring about a world that is safe for children. This is our work in the world. This also involves what is known as the binding of the Malach HaMaves, the angel of death which brings us into a new phase of creation called the Techiyas HaMesim-the enlivening/awakening of dead souls. This is the flowering of the human soul tree awakening to our ancestral origins.
ה  מִי זֹאת, עֹלָה מִן-הַמִּדְבָּר, מִתְרַפֶּקֶת, עַל-דּוֹדָהּ; תַּחַת הַתַּפּוּחַ, עוֹרַרְתִּיךָ--שָׁמָּה חִבְּלַתְךָ אִמֶּךָ, שָׁמָּה חִבְּלָה יְלָדַתְךָ.  .
Song of Songs 8:5

5 Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved? Under the apple-tree I awakened thee; there thy mother was in travail with thee; there was she in travail and brought thee forth.