StoneFlower Kabbalah
A site based on the healing of the ancient wisdom of the Geocentric worldview. The understanding of sacred texts and wisdom is based on a relationship to the Source. This Central Source is the Fount from which the three distinct movements of the Earth globe flow. These three turns-rotation,revolution and precession are a great secret/sod and key to the profound teachings of the mekubalim/kabbalists. These movements provide us with the experience of shanah/time, olam/matter and nephesh/soul(being). The Earth turn called precession is the slow wobble that causes the polar skies to change slowly over a 26,000 year cycle.
The chart of "72" names relates to this great cycle and is a key to unlocking where we are in "time".

Thursday, July 11, 2024

The LUZ bone/Foundation of Soul Tree/AANK Scepter/MATEH


This guy who is really sincere mentions the sacred scepter, the ankh of Egypt and the resurrection of the dead souls at about 45 minutes. Connects all to Moses/Osiris and the Moon. He mentions LILITH at one hour as the divine feminine Lady in this video: Isis: The Hidden Wisdom of Ancient Egypt & India | A Shakti View - YouTube He quotes grom the Nag Hammadi text "Thunder Perfect Mind" at 1:05. One of my favorite Goddess speaking poem. The scepter is what Hindus call the Vajra Dorje.

Song of Songs: ט לִבַּבְתִּנִי, אֲחֹתִי כַלָּה; לִבַּבְתִּנִי באחד בְּאַחַת מֵעֵינַיִךְ, בְּאַחַד עֲנָק מִצַּוְּרֹנָיִךְ. 9 Thou hast ravished my heart, my sister, my bride; thou hast ravished my heart with one of thine eyes, with one bead of thy necklace.(The word for "bead" sometimes translated as "jewel" is in Hebrew ANKH)
From papyrus of Ani/ Thoth and scepters

The SULAM Ladder of LUZ

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