StoneFlower Kabbalah
A site based on the healing of the ancient wisdom of the Geocentric worldview. The understanding of sacred texts and wisdom is based on a relationship to the Source. This Central Source is the Fount from which the three distinct movements of the Earth globe flow. These three turns-rotation,revolution and precession are a great secret/sod and key to the profound teachings of the mekubalim/kabbalists. These movements provide us with the experience of shanah/time, olam/matter and nephesh/soul(being). The Earth turn called precession is the slow wobble that causes the polar skies to change slowly over a 26,000 year cycle.
The chart of "72" names relates to this great cycle and is a key to unlocking where we are in "time".

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Wheel of Origin

 These are the first 52 words of the Hebrew bible/Torah: 

Genesis Chapter 1 בְּרֵאשִׁית

Parashat Bereshit : פרשת בראשית
א  בְּרֵאשִׁית, בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים, אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם, וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ.1 In the beginning Elohim created the heaven and the earth.
ב  וְהָאָרֶץ, הָיְתָה תֹהוּ וָבֹהוּ, וְחֹשֶׁךְ, עַל-פְּנֵי תְהוֹם; וְרוּחַ אֱלֹהִים, מְרַחֶפֶת עַל-פְּנֵי הַמָּיִם.2 Now the earth was unformed and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of Elohim hovered over the face of the waters.
ג  וַיֹּאמֶר אֱלֹהִים, יְהִי אוֹר; וַיְהִי-אוֹר.3 And Elohim said: 'Let there be light.' And there was light.
ד  וַיַּרְא אֱלֹהִים אֶת-הָאוֹר, כִּי-טוֹב; וַיַּבְדֵּל אֱלֹהִים, בֵּין הָאוֹר וּבֵין הַחֹשֶׁךְ.4 And Elohim saw the light, that it was good; and Elohim divided the light from the darkness.
ה  וַיִּקְרָא אֱלֹהִים לָאוֹר יוֹם, וְלַחֹשֶׁךְ קָרָא לָיְלָה; וַיְהִי-עֶרֶב וַיְהִי-בֹקֶר, יוֹם אֶחָד.  {פ}5 And Elohim called the light Day, and the darkness they called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day. {P}
The Sefer Yetzirah primer of Kabbalah tells us to put the sacred letters of lashon hakodesh, the holy tongue in a wheel to study them: So we may see that all that is on this first day called YOM ECHAD/Day Singular consists of a wheel of five spokes of polarities:
Shamayim/Aretz: Heavens and Earth
Tohu/Bohu: Elements and Molecules
Choseyhk/Ohr: Darkness and Light
Yom/Lailah: Day and Night
Erev/Boker: Evening and morning
Wheel of the Ten Omakim/Depths or Eternities

We find a wheel made of five spokes of polarities as listed manifesting out of the TAHOM/the DEEP. This ancient diagram above of the TEN OMAKIM/DEPTHS of ETERNITIES is revolving out of the Source of Love.

This medicine wheel image above is from a commentary on the Sefer HaZohar Printed in 1701ce. It shows the directions and elements and may be used to understand how to bring the tikun/repair or rebalancing of the world. The Talmudic Aggadah explains that the world is left unfinished in the north direction, and this is where "evil" flows in from. This may be healed to bring about a world that is safe for children. This is our work in the world. This also involves what is known as the binding of the Malach HaMaves, the angel of death which brings us into a new phase of creation called the Techiyas HaMesim-the enlivening/awakening of dead souls. This is the flowering of the human soul tree awakening to our ancestral origins.
ה  מִי זֹאת, עֹלָה מִן-הַמִּדְבָּר, מִתְרַפֶּקֶת, עַל-דּוֹדָהּ; תַּחַת הַתַּפּוּחַ, עוֹרַרְתִּיךָ--שָׁמָּה חִבְּלַתְךָ אִמֶּךָ, שָׁמָּה חִבְּלָה יְלָדַתְךָ.  .
Song of Songs 8:5

5 Who is this that cometh up from the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved? Under the apple-tree I awakened thee; there thy mother was in travail with thee; there was she in travail and brought thee forth.

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